Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Meet My Cats

I often mention my cats, so I figured you'd like to meet them.
The first is Frances, a 9 month old stray wearing a red jingle bell collar, that wandered into our yard in October, 2005. She is very clean and very aloof but very attached to us at the same time. She used to cross the line on the electric fence to roam the neighborhood and canal and then take the shock to recross it to come home, where she knew she belonged.
Second was Midnight, a 4 pound, skittish stray that my son rescued in early 2007 and persuaded us to take. She was full of ear mites and tapeworms; we did not expect her to survive. But survive she did, and before Midnight was healthy enough to be spayed, she sneaked out of the house and conceived Faith, Hope, and Charity
Like, her mother, Faith is very skittish. She has a nervous tic, and she squeaks. Faith lets me share my desk chair, and, if I'm foolish enough to leave ice water unsupervised, she will dip her paw into my glass to play with the ice. She also embellishes my stories with typewritten words of her own, again, when I'm so careless as to walk away from my computer and leave the screen open.
Hope is our "Babe Didrickson" of cats. She is very athletic, very smart, very independent, and very mellow. She likes to think she's "top dog" and advances on Frances when I recite the cats' mealtime prayer. We quickly send Hope back to her place. Frances is first, always has been and always will.

Charity, our cat that used up all nine lives, with Rebekah in the background.

Alex belonged to my oldest son, Christopher Baran, owner of Channahon Computer Repair. Alex is the sweetest, most friendliest, most loving cat you'd ever wish to meet. He snuggled with me at bedtime and guarded me while I slept, with one paw resting gently on my forearm. Unfortunately, my cats did not accept him, and he now has a new home.


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