Monday, September 23, 2013

So Now That We're Adjusting to our New Status....

....homeless status, that is, I figured it was time to get back to daily blogging.

We've finally figured out how to transport people to work and school, despite the fact we've limited access to vehicles.

I'm ALMOST caught up with assignments and VERY NEARLY settled into a routine of working from two separate offices (one from my mother's house and one from my oldest son's apartments).

The cats haven't quite adjusted to their new home, but they've adjusted enough to have acquired some cabin fever, which will remain feverish until the electric fence people adjust the line to eliminate the gap. As proof of  the restlessness plaguing Frances, Midnight, Faith, and Hope, I received the following text from Christopher early Sunday morning:

The door was closed all the way but hasn't been latching. Besides breakfast, how many meals should they skip?

(The answer, of course, was "none.")

Unfortunately, I won't complete the first "Adventures of Cornell Dyer" and "Bertrand" books in time for the author fair on October 12. We still have a partial house to break down, which will eat up any photography time, since the former Unland casa goes to sheriff's sale October 4.

Fictionwise, the focus is on editing Staked! and getting that book--the third in the BryonySeries--ready for a Thanksgiving Day release. I don't quite have all the editorial notes back from Vicki Thompson, the novel's lead editor, but I've quite enjoyed sifting through the evaluation, comments and edits from Colleen Robbins to get a feel for the work involved.

This week, I'll share some of Colleen's insight, but not tomorrow.

THAT's reserved for the "Oliver!" recap. Promise.

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