Monday, June 10, 2013

A Bleary, Topsy Turvey, Full of Emergency, "I'm Now Behind," Most Productive Day

Following that? Here's the explanation:

Bleary: After a weekend of shorted sleep so I could write fiction, and yet feeling all draggy because of a cold, I could not sleep last night. Total log: about three hours, all broken up. Not fun.

Topsy Turvey: For multiple reasons, we've had some wild schedule shifts over the past few weeks, compounding our crisis state. Right now, we're feeling a little scatterbrained, and it shows, everywhere. Everything needs lots of attention. Where, oh where, to start? Ever feel that way?

Full of Emergency: Bad sewer issues and no money to fix them. Luckily, our eighty-two year old pastor came to the rescue. (It sounds worse than it is. He loves rodding sewers and has his own equipment). Unfortunately, he showed up later than anticipated, very close to the four o'clock interview I forgot I had, until six o'clock. Now all I'm getting is my source's voice mail. Boy, do I feel stupid!

Now I'm Behind: I had three assignments to finish this weekend, one due today. I didn't get them done, so I moved them to today. My brain wasn't cooperating very well, so I again switched gears. The rest of the week should be very interesting, but I intend to hit it very, very, hard.

Most Productive Day: I finished editing Staked! instead. I figured any damage I'd do with my deprived neural connectors wouldn't at least affect my job and could be addressed when my editor's notes returned.

So for the rest of this evening, which is rapidly dissipating, I'm going to clean my office, put away the clean laundry Rebekah brought up half a century ago, and maybe catch up on email. I doubt I'll make a huge dent; the total stands at ninety-six (right now). Hopefully, tonight's sleep will be what I consider sweet, as well as perfectly restful.

Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!


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