Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, Reviews "Visage."

Dear MOMI:   

I never reported back about our Mother's Day book meeting. The discussion was among women, (I was the only man), half of which had just finished 50 Shades of Grey.

Most of the discussion bounced between the similarities between John Simons and Christian Grey (of 50 Shades). At the time, I hadn't read 50 Shades, but I've started to get a feel for what they were talking about.

I do think that 50 Shades is going to help you with the ByronySeries because the two men are very much alike, although John Simons is more complicated (or his situation.)

Yes, 50 Shades does have more sex in it than Visage, but while some of the women were shocked by kinky sex in the 50 Shades, I was shocked by the sex in your book. (Your former publisers would have had heart attacks; was that the plan?)

Visage got good reviews from my group; 50 Shades got mixed reviews. My interests in Visage differed from what I was hearing, though most found Simons the bastard that's easy to hate, hard not to love, but impossible to leave.

My favorite character is now John Peter (who'd better hang onto the leprechaun.) Did Ed Calkins recognized John Peter as a $%$$ (spoiler removed) BEFORE he became a vampire?

Anyway, we all want to know who Melissa's new husband is. Many fear it's Kellen Wechsler. I think I might know better because I used to work with the author.

Of course, being in character, I have to profess that the new husband must be the ruthless Ed Calkins (Now that would surprise me).

I haven't heard from you in a while, I hope that means everything is OK in your life as it surely means you're employed (as am I). Most of all, I hope you keep writing. God's love to you.

Ruthlessly yours,
Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara


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