Monday, March 25, 2013

It's Been A Full Day....

....with most of it spent away from home, not a pleasure run by any means, except the fun my two teens and I can bring to a series of appointments, some grim, others boring by general estimation, but we are a family with a rather unusual sense of humor. We have known to make a surgical procedure seem like a spa day.

Currently, I'm sitting at the computer staring at ninety-two emails requiring attention (and that's with periodic checking of messages all day). Today's work is staring me in the face and tomorrow's sitting here somewhere, but at nine-thirty, the more prudent choice is really to burrow into the sleeping bag with a book than wake up with another cup of coffee. Guaranteed the work will still be here, ready to tackle in the pre-dawn hours, when I'm more refreshed to tackle it.

Besides, early morning coffee tastes better than the late at night stuff, anyhow.

So for tonight's blog, although I'm wishing the muse would churn out something witty, inspiring, informative, etc., etc. I'm instead enjoying the feel of the house (silent except for the low hum of my computer and the occasional thump of a cat as it leaps into the crawl space), the serene and dark night from my attic window, and the inner calm that's got me quite mellow, despite the craziness of the passing day and the one poised before me.

A book is bidding me, "Come," and I hasten to obey.


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