Saturday, March 16, 2013

Friday Literature Links and Story Round Up

Anyone following my blog certainly knows what I like to write: people-centered feature stories and character-driven fiction with gothic elements.

However, my love for writing stems from my huge passion for reading, even though I don't gravitate to popular genre fiction. That's the purpse of my Friday short story/poem link: to share with you my favorites.

If you cruise the "label" section of the blog's main page, you'll find author names to guide you into those past links. Most of my interest revolves around pieces that have withstood time. The majority of those works employ a writing style no longer in style. It's a style I "sort of" emulated for the Victorian parts of Bryony.

For a glimpse of my non-fiction works, here are links to stories that ran this past week. Most of them appeared in the Herald News, but one of my assignments from last weekend appeared in the Joliet Bugle.

I also write for The Farmers Weekly Review, but that newspaper does not have an online presence. Also, the pet page feature for Tuesday's Heald News (about the preference for parrots) was not linked online.

High Schoolers staging love story musical "Grease"

It's an ambitious project, but the musical's director, a graduate of this high school who appeared in Grease when the school produced it back in his student days, is tackling it today for modern audiences.

Former police officer brightened lives of those around him

Whether at home or as a police officer on the job, Joe Gerrettie lived for one reason: to serve others.

Museum items to be auctioned off

Due to financial reasons, the Victorian mansion where we filmed Bryony's book trailer and music video is closing. This is truly a loss for the area, as touring historic home was truly a one of a kind and unforgettable experience.

St. Mary Magdalene Church hosts relic of its patroness

Viewing a piece of the body of someone close to the historic Jesus is difficult for participants to adequately express.

Through thick and thin

In an age of soundbites and social media, these ladies have sustained close friendships for over forty years.

A little of this, a little of that

But when they pull it all together, OD Jo creates a sound unique to its band.


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