Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I Attended a Groundbreaking Ceremony Today....

....for the Joliet Junior College new $50 million City Center Campus. This six story, 96,000 square foot building will house, among other departments, the school's nationally renowned culinary arts program.
One of my sons, Timothy Baran, will graduate from that program in May. He also currently works as a banquet chef at the school's Renaissance Center and hopes to one day teach at the school. My youngest daughter Rebekah Baran plans to enroll in its pastry division, which will begin once construction is complete.
I spent a happy afternoon there in both official and unofficial capacity, covering the story for a newspaper and supporting my children. The irony is that I learned about the quality of the culinary arts program from writing stories about it for the Herald News. We as a family like to cook, and when I ran a Sunday School and youth group, we often hosted cooking events as part of our actvities.
I mean, what's more fun than teaching a handful of kids and teens the basics of kitchen sanitation while preparing hundreds of homemade pirohi in a matter of hours to supply a St. Nicholas Banquet?

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