Sunday, December 16, 2012

"Next Big Thing" Blog Chain

Several weeks ago, a fellow author and former Herald News writer Sue Merrell invited me to participate in a blog chain for writers: Next Big Thing. Here's how it works.

You, the author, write a blog answering ten questions about your latest project. In this case, I'll be writing about Visage. The questions are fairly stock, the type of questions authors should be ready to answer at any given time. They are not difficult to answer nor timeconsuming to write (I did mine in about fifteen minutes, including a quick proof-read). Why would I not agree to something so simple?

When your scheduled week comes up, you post that blog, tag the author that invited you, and then tag five additional authors blogs for the reader to check out. My week is this week, so I'll be posting my Q&A tomorrow, as well as adding links to the blogs of some very worthy authors.

Advantages to you: a glimpse into the latest book and the series, along with some new reading material to navigate. Sounds like a winning combination to me.


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