Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Today's Regularly Scheduled Guest Post Has Been Postponed By Life

A funny thing happened on the way to the best-laid plans: the computer rebelled.

Starting Saturday, a software glitch (NOT a virus, Christopher assured me), began blocking "saves."

I made space on my flash drive. I moved Bryony data to a separate flash drive. Then Christopher came upstairs and made the machine behave. All returned to normal.


Early Sunday morning, the trouble reappeared. Christopher told me to save my work to the desk top until he had time to look at it. This made me a little nervous, since I could not back up anything, but I had some tight deadlines to meet with the approaching holiday, so I complied.

A few conflicts meant only one car could go on the road to church, some forty miles away, so I decided to be noble and stay home and work. By then, I was that far behind anyway. On Monday, I worked until I took Rebekah to have all four wisdom teeth removed, and once I had her settled, went back to work.

This morning, the computer refused additional saves to the desktop. I had two interviews, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I created a new folder to save those sets of notes and then decided to print them out to be safe. The printer remained silent.

Christopher stepped in at this point, created new documents for all of my work from Sunday on, ran several virus scans (which confirmed his pronouncement that my computer had not picked up any viruses), and proceeded to run a cleaning program (whatever that means). I was shut down for awhile, so he took me to look at cell phones (I have to switch plans after Christmas).

When we returned, my computer had assumed its former agreeable self with one exception. All of my documents from the last seventy-two hours did not save. The back-up documents he created were blank. He worked on my computer all evening trying to find where they had hidden themselves.


I have now five days to redo and complete three days of copyediting on the manuscript as well as the additional freelance jobs that I delayed due to the computer issues. I now also have to reschedule two interviews for after the holidays, a real problem since one woman is leaving town.

When added up, this translates into three solid days of regular work plus re-copyediting Visage, or about six or seven days of work that must be done in five. Need I remind anyone that had followed by NaNoWriMo blogs (when I was writing them), that I had planned on making up those lost days during the Thanksgiving holidays.

I am not happy.

I will, however, end this sad tale on a humorous note. Up until a couple of hours ago, I was very proud of Rebekah. Despite the pain and swelling in her lower jaw (and she was REALLY hurting last night), I noticed the large GED preparation book lying on her bed. I was extremely impressed that she was keeping up with her studies instead of drowing her sorrows in manga and Korean boy band shows on YouTube.

So while Christopher was working on my computer, Rebekah and I sprawled out on her bed and watched the 1968 version of Romeo and Juliet on her laptop. We had started watching it last January until she had to leave for a job interview, and we never got back to it.

At the end of the movie, as she was heading downstairs for some leftover macaroni and cheese, Rebekah said, "I'm so happy I have that GED book."

Here it comes, I thought, poised to praise her.

Rebekah continued, "It's kept my laptop steady in bed."



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