Tuesday, November 6, 2012

NaNoWriMo 2012 Day #6

Yes, I played with the novel, Bryony's prequel, Before the Blood.

No, I don't have a word count or even a decent homework list. I got lost in the research. Have you ever been really, really focused on a project, but you get a little sidetracked by an interesting piece of it and then tell yourself, "I'll go here for JUST A FEW MINUTES," with the total intention of bringing your attention back to the task at hand?

Well, I did that tonight.

Except, I used up all my time on one assigment, which I never got around to listing, as it would have been item #1 for that chapter. I can't be too upset with me because I found information I sought in vain last year.

Gosh, I've missed the historical research that was an integral part of the fun of writing Bryony. Therefore, I feel indulging myself a tad bit wasn't such a bad thing. Tomorrow, I will be much more discplined.

Pretty sure, anyway.



  1. You mean that there are times when you don't get distracted? Now that would be a change for most of us.

  2. Touche, and good point.
    Fortunately, it was a good, productive, kind of distraction.
