Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Peek into the Correspondence Between "Bryony's" author and the Steward of Tara

On October 27, I posted Ed Calkins' letter requesting his reasons as to why Bryony should be translated into French. Below, I've posted our conversation in response to that letter.

To read the initial post, click HERE
O Steward:

Unless you have a ready translator willing to work cheap (i.e. "free"), the importance of translating Bryony into French will probably become apparent after the release of the third book, as its protagonist (no longer Melissa) occasionally drops a French phrase.

So use advance promotion of Staked! as your reason to go to France. Can't begin too soon to get the word out.

Denise M. Baran-Unland
Freelance Features Writer


Dear MOMI (Mistress of My Immortality)

Since I know of no French translators, let alone free ones, my ambitions must wait for the release of Staked! (If Ed Calkins is involved in this, hopefully as the subject and not the object!) Please don't kill off Melissa. Until you do, she's still a potential wife (She never said, "No.”). But forgive me, a fan does not tell an author what to write.

Ruthlessly yours,
Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara


O Steward:

Do you want to know if she’s killed off or not?

Denise M. Baran-Unland
Freelance Features Writer


Dear MOMI (Mistress of My Immortality):

Even Ed Calkins must be humble. I indeed would like to know if Melissa is killed off, but only by reading the copy I purchased. Great men do not take advantage of their friendship with legendary writers and their likes, lest some mistake their favor with an inclination to make their stories more glorified.

Ruthlessly yours,
Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara





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