Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sue's Diner Has a New Recipe: Garbage Salad by Sarah Stegall

Sue's Diner has a new recipe: Garbage Salad by Sarah Stegall.

Sarah Stegall is married to a wonderful man and is a stay at home mom to a rambunctious five-year- old boy. In her free time (there's free time?!?) she tests out new recipes, is the media contact for BryonySeries, runs the Bryony Facebook page, edits the Bryony blog, is the creator and maintainer of this website, and designer of the Bryony not-for-profit cookbook: Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles from "Bryony."

She is very interested in American Sign language, learning new signs and teaching them to her son. As an avid reader and problem solver, she can usually be found with her nose in a book or learning a new skill. If you are interested in having a website created, contact her at

1) What do you like to cook?
“Anything healthy.”

2) Where do you find your recipes?
“Friends, Facebook, Family Circle.

3) What is your earliest culinary memory?
“My little brother falling backwards on a chair while making pierogies or the same brother scalding his nipple with tea while I was buttering bread. Both involve food.

4) What is your favorite food and why?
“A toss up between two: Spicy Tuna Sushi Rolls or Honey Tai
chicken wings from Hooters.

5) Is there a food you won’t eat and why?
“Rotten shark or pickled eggs. You have to draw the line somewhere.

6) Tell us about your most dramatic kitchen mishap.
“I had a toaster that caught on fire six times before I pitched it.

7) Do you own a kitchen tool you never use?
“Yup! Several I inherited, but as the years go on I like discovering what they are. I
now can't live without my pastry cuter and food processor.

8) Do you like to bake? Why or why not?
“Not as much as cooking, but if it's more unusual I'm all in. I don't have a big sweet tooth and prefer healthier foods.

9) Why is cooking enjoyable for you?
“I like getting caught up in the recipe. The planning, the shopping, the recipe preparation, all make the final bite more delicious.

10) What’s the best cooking tip you’ve received?
“Substituting applesauce for oil. It’s healthier.

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