Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Meet Bobbi Phelps Towery, "Bryony" Fan Extraordinaire

Recently, Hastings Entertainment in Utah (www.gohastings.com)
purchased several copies of Bryony, and it’s all due to Bobbi Phelps Towery, a Bryony fan extraordinaire, who brought her copy to the store manager and persuaded him to order copies.

Not only has Bobbi been talking up the book, she’s passed out flyers around town, letting readers know where they can enjoy the book, too.

Today, Bobbi shares why she’s so fond of the story.

1) What kinds of books do you generally read?

   “Mysteries, romance novels if set in other time periods, sleuth/spy novels.”

2) How did you hear about Bryony?

    “I learned about Bryony through the music videos on YouTube by pianist/composer James Onohan.”

3) What led you to purchase a copy?

   “Once I heard James' Bryony music, I read about the book then I watched the trailer, and I was hooked. I had to purchase the book and read the whole story!”

4) What did you like about the story?

   “I mostly liked the fact that Melissa (the main character) never really lost her innocence through the whole story even though she wanted more than anything to be loved by John just as Bryony was. But I also liked the suspense and the unpredictability of the story. The storyline was easy to follow.”

5) What did you dislike?

   “It was too short!”

6) Who was your favorite character, and why?

   “Melissa. Even though she's not sure most of the time whether she's living in a dream or in reality, she never loses her composure.”

7) Who was your least favorite character, and why?

   “Kellen. He was the ruthless devil that caused John to sell his soul and murdered so many innocent women.”

8) Team John, Henry, or Kellen, and why?

   “Team John; Even though music was the first love of his life, I believe he truly loved Bryony and although his soul was tormented by her death, when Melissa was "Bryony,” I believed he had real feelings for her as well. I connect with John in the sense that music is a source or channel for the release of torment.”

9) Any final comments?

   “Music, especially piano, has been my lifelong love as well, and in my opinion, the story of Bryony has all the components that touches my heart: music, mystery, romance, innocence. Awesome storytelling!”

Until December 2012, thirty percent of any direct mail-order sales of Bryony will be donated to Heather King, the "voice" of Bryony the audio book.

To learn why and to order, follow this link:

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