Thursday, April 19, 2012

Well, It Was Bound to Happen

On Tuesday, I wrote my intention to restock the microwave popcorn and water bottle supplies at DARA (Digital Audio Recording Arts at University of St. Francis, Joliet), where Alby Odum and Heather King of Daniel’s Window ( are recording the audio version of Bryony.

You know when you’re standing in line at check-out, watching your purchases roll down the belt, and saying, “I just know I’ve forgotten something?’”

Well, I remembered later, while trying sitting at the computer trying to finish a piece before I switched into household chores, packed a laptop, etc, so I could leave for USF. I briefly considered the embarrassment of not showing up with said items, since I had publically promised it, but dismissed it. What were the odds either one would read that post?

Yep. You guessed it. Heather mentioned it while editing Chapter 14. I promptly ate a piece of humble pie (since there was no popcorn, and Alby was reduced to snacking on granola bars). I promptly emailed a reminder to me (along with a second one to send the Bryony music tracks he’d been requesting every week, oops!), one of the benefits of having a new smart phone (now that Rebekah had shown me how to send an email).

Recording progress to date: Sixteen completed chapters, so we are, numerically-speaking anyway, halfway through the book. Every now and then I hear a pesky copy error that makes me cringe. We do, however, have some inside jokes, such as Heather’s tendency to say “Main Streep,” instead of “Main Street,” which always makes us laugh.

Unless, of course, it’s another typo and Heather, who is also a copy editor, is just too kind to say so.

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