Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Catching Up, Munsonville Musings, and "Bryony" Moment of the Day

I have a stack of phone calls to make, emails to return, first drafts to write, second drafts to write, and nearly final copy to edit, WHEW! I'd give details about the projects sitting here, but I'm not completely organized yet from this weekend.

Soon, very, very soon, I'm abandoning all for a WALK!

I also got a little behind on Visage, with Holy Week and Pascha festivities and all, but we are still targeting a November 1st release date (We are an ambitious lot). We are also now very, very, very close to releasing the Bryony cookbook: Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles from "Bryony," which, you might recall, is a fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties (www.bbbswillgrundy.org). Formatting looks terrific, much more professinally laid out than we could ever have hoped. THANK YOU, SERENA DIOSA!!!

It's back to the University of St. Francis tonight for another three (or more) chapters of Bryony, the audio book. Carry along essentials: backpack with Visage notes, coffee, nights meds and plenty of water to counteract their drying effects, and microwave popcorn for recording engineer Alby Odum (if I get to the store in time).

Side story: The popcorn is Alby's standard snack. He always offers some; I've always refused. Last week we recorded Halloween, with its bit on making popcorn. NOW, I had a taste for popcorn, and so did Alby, of course, but he had eaten it all. Sooooo, I'm hoping to be a nice person and buy some. Time management skills, don't fail me today!

Bryony signing at Frugal Muse Books in Darien this Saturday. Have you see the Triblocal link?


Finally, had a lovely Bryony moment of the day yesterday, which actually began Sunday. My mother had forgotten to give my sister the two dozen roses she had bought for her birthday, so she sent a dozen home with me. I was a little disgruntled receiving my first roses in that manner, but, oh well, right?

Well, the next day, Rose (of all names) at the Herald News messaged me that a gentleman had brought me "a very lovely rose in thanks for a story I had written," so could I please come pick it up? Tight deadlines prohibited it, so I messaged a friend who lives in the area. He not only rescued the rose from a waterless death, he delivered it to my house.

Rose was right. The rose is gorgeous; I added it to the dozen from Sunday and propped the card by the vase. One act, triple blessings (the bestower, the messenger, the deliverer). Very, very cool.

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