Thursday, April 12, 2012

Baran Toga Party, 1994

1 comment:

  1. Left to right:

    Christopher Baran of Channahon Computer Repair (

    Joshua Baran (holding Rebekah Baran, "Bryony" online administrator assistant)

    Sarah (Baran) Stegall: "Bryony" online administrator

    Timothy Baran (chef in training)

    Not pictured: Daniel Baran, now 16 (because he wasn't born yet).

    Every Holy Thursday, ever since Christopher was a toddler, we have recreated Holy Thursday at our house, one of the ways I made Holy Week--indeed all of our faith--come alive for the kids.

    They no longer don robes and bath towels fastened with diaper pins, but the dinner remains a cherished ritual for our familiy.
