Monday, November 14, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day #'s 13 & 14 and Miscellaneous Munsonville Musings

Bryony Prequel, Section One: Nothing

Word Count: 0

Hand is getting there; hopefully, the prequel will soon be, too. I'm reluctant to give away details yet, since I will be writing about the mishap for the Herald News. When that day comes, I'll share the link. At any rate, National Novel Writing Month's good intentions aside, this was one sidetrack I hadn't seen coming.

My book designer, Serena Diosa, author of Tinkey's Goldfish, had a family emergency last week, but we are meeting on Thursday evening. I'm using this extra time to give Bryony one last read. Once formatting errors are repaired, we will FINALLY have a book ready to go. I've also made a dent in some other editing projects, so, all in all, the hand injury wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Definitely missing the five-mile walk, but had no energy for it, until today. Now, if I could just stop oversleeping....

On the crisis homefront, I now have a sick cat, and my oldest son has an infected tooth. He's following right behind my oldest daughter, who just had four iinfected and impacted wisdom teeth removed and then waged war on an antibiotic allergic reaction and two dry sockets. Rebekah pulled her back while emptying garbage cans at the warehouse, and Daniel's bloody nose has returned, necessitating another cauterization. It's starting to look like an infirmary around here.

Sarah Stegall, Bryony's web administrator, has been working with Rebekah (who's now offically the web administrator assistant) on creating Bryony Facebook ads. Those should be up and running by next week. Tommy Connolly, Bryony's media researcher and developer, is putting the finishing touches on the press kit.

Last Wednesday, earlier in the day, before the hand emergency thing, the lovely Kallan Dee Ellis of KALLAN Studios, shot some gorgeous publicity photos at the P. Seth Magosky Museum of Victorian Life and Joliet History. The idea was to have a press shot of me with a Bryony aura, and Kallan more than successfully accomplished it. I can't wait to show off the pictures!

Also, Dulcinea Hawksworth, Bryony's director of marketing, completed the "music box," which has been duly sent for CAL Graphics, Inc. for completion of the official CD cover for The Best-Loved Compositions of John Simons, the CD that contains all the Bryony music--including the theme song--that pianist/composer James Onohan created just for the novel.

To create Bryony's music box, Dulcinea started with simple wood box with a gold clasp from a craft store, stained the box to resemble cherry wood, then painted on green vines and pink flowers. I think she is also intending to line it. I've only seen pictures, but those are beautiful. I can't wait to see it up close.

In the meantime, I'm reveiwing editing options for Visage, so we can start, in earnest, on planning a release date for Bryony book number two. We are also in the end stages of finalizing the Bryony cookbook.

Stay tuned and pray this author's hands stay safe!

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