Saturday, November 12, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day #12 and a Plea from Ed Calkins, the Steward of Tara

Bryony Prequel, Section One, et., etc.: No check.
Word Count: 0.

Still struggling with the hand, so saving energy reserves, etc. to regular assignments, which are mounting. Still, have full intentions of returning to that prequel sooner than later.

In the meantime, I received an email from Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, concerning "voter fraud" surrounding his annual Queen of Christmas contest.

You see, one of Ed's "community-building" projects in the newspaper distrubution center where he currently works is buying and giving Christmas presents to all of the carriers' children in his agency.

As part of this project, Ed asks the carriers to submit names of women carriers they feel would make an ideal Queen of Christmas. The winner collects the childrens' names, ages, and general interests for Ed; they also distribute the presents he purchases.

So what's the problem? I'll let you read it for yourself.

Hard as it may be to believe, I have been accused of unethically influencing the Queen of Christmas nominations. Naturally, I promised a full and speedy investigation from an independent, fair, and reputable investigator.

Only after making that promise did I wonder if I knew anyone like that! But, of course, I do. You, Denise, have the journalistic chops that should impress even the most sceptical of my critics.
Your mandate is simple! Look for evidence of corruption or misdealings in the nomination process of 2011 on my behave. Remember, I promised a full and speedy investigaion, so you must respond with your findings within my deadline.
Also, you must grant as full of review as can be made on a post 2008 budget, which, if you've opened this email, you're already over. (Sorry, you will not be reimbursed.)

Be fair and inpartial, but remember you're not getting paid for this, and it's not worth your time. When the deadline (five minutes after you receive this) has expired, you need not respond if not a shred of evidence is found; your silence will be understood that way.
However, if you do find wrong doing, you must report it to the proper authorities, unless you consider me as too prejudiced to receive your findings.
P.S. Should you actually look in to this, do not be concerned about the ballots found in the garbarge, as poor handwriting clearly disqualfied them.
Of course, I remained silent (except for a few hearty chuckles while reading). Would you have done otherwise?

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