Wednesday, October 19, 2011

VampFest Revisted

Today, my son Christopher and I presented the proceeds of VampFest to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties. I haven't yet received VampFest photos from Stephen Tuplin, director of Bryony media, as he left town soon after the event to tour with a local Christian music group, but he promised he would edit the video and send photos soon.

Highlights of the evening included the serving up of "bites and nibbles" from the upcoming Bryony cookbook:

   ·         Fried “O’Brien-style” potatoes

·         Mini corn dogs

·         Black Avocado Dip with Homemade Tortilla Chips

·         Corn Dip With Homemade Tortilla Chips

·         Cucumber and Tomato Salad

·         Marinated Onions, Mushrooms, and Peppers

·         Chicken Salad

·         Shepherd’s Pie

·         Stuffed Mini Peppers

·         Pork Tenderloins with Cabbage and Kraut

·         Vegetarian Chili

·         Pear Mascarpone French Toast

·         Toffee-Apple French Toast

·         Sweet Potato Pudding

Many characters from the book--in period dress--served and interacted with the guests.

Teen classic rock band, Street Worthy, represented the 1970s.

Romantic pianist/composer James Onohan symbolized the Victorian era by playing, for the first time, original songs from the brand-new Bryony CD, The Best-Loved Compositions of John Simons.

Alas, red tape meant we had no books to sell, but we raffled off one of two proof copies we received for $100, which we also donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties. We hope to have copies of both the novel and the cookbook available SOON!

For those who missed the festivities (or are loath to see them end), Bryony will be at the HS Healing and Wellness Center's first Pumpkin Fest from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. this Saturday, Oct. 22. The day features tarot readings, face painting, live music by James Onohan, pumpkin decorating, and storytelling. The center is located at 3117 W. Jefferson Street in Joliet. For more information call 815-741-4386.

The following week, I will be at the same Healing and Wellness Center from 4 to 5 p.m. reading Halloween stories.

Mostly, I'd like to thank everyone who contributed into the success of VampFest:

The Bryony Team: Dulcinea Hawksworth, director of marketing and event host/ coordinator; Tommy Connolly, media researcher and developer and emcee; Sarah Stegall, web administrator and silent auction co-coordinator; James Onohan, Bryony's pianist and composer; Virginia Schonbachler, silent auction and raffle co-coordinator; Stephen James Tuplin of Echo White Fox and Josh Siegers of JKS Productions for photography and videography; Heather Frelichowski of Crafty Moms Inc for costume design, Harwood Post and especially Mary Hischier, for supplying food, venue, and general guidance.

Vendors: Matt Coundiff of A Thin Line Tattoo, Vanna Fleetwood of Dimensions Barber and Salon, Sandy Costa of Foo Tribe Jewelry,  HS Healing and Wellness Center, Bryony cookbook contest winner  Kathryn Russ Dunlap and Rufio products, Andrea Rodriguez of Sugar Mama, Inc., and Valerie’s Heavenly Scents.

Volunteers: Christopher Baran, Daniel Baran, Rebekah Baran, Timothy Baran, Karen Bonarek, Rachel Bonarek, Rose Bonerk, Amber Cable,, Becky Colwell, Noah Curl, Donna Krofta, Justin Ongenae, Carolyn Sallade, Bryony cookbook contest winner Nola Sawyer, Rachel Schall

An especial thank you to Ed Calkins, Cal Graphics, Inc., Dawn Aulet, Fast Printing of Joliet, J and M Printing, John Heinz, and Street Worthy; the members of the Heavenly Sinners Writer’s Guild for their enthusiastic support and to Tommy Connolly and Virginia Schonbachler for supplying, out of pocket, all the last minute and much needed items; and also to Kosack’s Formalwear, Joliet Junior College theatre department, the P. Seth Magosky Museum of Victorian Life for supplying costumes, all of our silent auction donors, and those the generous supporters of the event.

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