Tuesday, September 13, 2011

James Onohan Sent Four New Bryony Songs Last Night!

Those joined the first four he previously sent. Just two to go before we have all the material for the upcoming "Bryony" CD, "The Best-Loved Compositions of John Simons." We just may have a CD for October 14th's "Vamp Fest."

I can't wait!!!

Listening to the music transported me back into 1890's fictional Munsonville, and I remember all over again the fun I had in writing this story, a fun that's been multiplied by the layers of creativity accompanying it: the art, the music, the clothing, the cookbook, and even the candles.

Ooops! That's a surprise. More on candles later.

Yet, even as I'm soaking up hauntingly melodic piano notes, I'm writing. When James sends a "Bryony" piece, he shares his emotions as he played it, which he wants me to match with a scene in the story to compose the perfect title. I then send the title back to him, along with an explanation of where in the novel his music fits and why I named it such.

so far, James has been happy with each title, which makes me happy, too. I can't even begin to express how humbled and honored I feel to name this beautiful music, which will set the emotional tone before the hearer listens to the first piano note. It is truly a gift beyond words.

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