Wednesday, September 21, 2011

And Let the Games Begin

Changes are a-coming, and I'm not sure how I feel about them.

It means letting go--partly of necessity--of occupations I have enjoyed to embark on a scary new future. It's that "partly of necessity" that trips me up. That's not how I prefer making those decisions. I also don't like not seeing a clear road ahead. I am not a good night driver.

What's comforting is that the "rightness" of the decision is all too obvious, and that God goes before me, illuminating my way more brightly than even my van headlights can shine.

Last year, when my chronic hives flared up, I had bad reactions to TWO different medications to help control them, and my husband lost his job, my pastor one Sunday read the Gospel about when the apostles fished all night and caught nothing and how Jesus directed them to go farther out.

My pastor's message that day was not about faith. It was about being commanded go into the deep water, out of our comfort zone, where it's scary. That, however, is where the reward lies and that, once again, is where I being called.

I don't like it, but I trust the one making the call. Sooooo....I'm taking a deep breath and making the plunge.

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