Monday, August 15, 2011

Oh, yes, it's Monday!

Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines: three stories and a press release, one interview completed, and two more scheduled for this afternoon. Frantically playing mad catch-up from all our medical skirmishes last week (I'll spare the gory details). Suffice to say, nobody died, so it's all good!

Amongst the work-related duties, I've answered questions about Vamp Fest (the October 14, Bryony-themed fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy and responded to the generous individuals that pledged donations for the silent auction.

As I pen this, I'm sipping coffee that my fifteen year old son Daniel just brought me, while Faith, my calico, nibbles my arm, nudges my shoulder, and scrutinizes my typing. Too bad she doesn't check for typos!

On the down side, my oldest son's cat has developed a spraying problem (Alas, we caught him in the act), and Rebekah, seventeen, slipped off a ladder while moving items to the playhouse loft. An ice pack, a few hugs, and plenty of sincere, "Aw's," and she bounced right back.

But then Sarah Stegall, Bryony web administrator and cookbook coordinator, called me with exciting news. Because we're supplying our own art and cover, the cost to print the cookbook is far less than we had anticipated. Hurray!

I'm also trying to adapt to the new desktop (mine spontaneously retired last week, hours before my oldest son--and computer adminstrator--left town for a week. Yes, he bought and installed a new one first. Oh, colic was so worth it!) and worrying about whether or not my new laptop, which was accidentally dropped last week, will survive its tumble.

On the plus side, I won a bet with Rebekah about who could get a mountain of work done first (she lost), so she treated me to ice cream last night. Nothing beats a chocolate-dipped, vanilla ice cream, waffle cone and silly conversation with your kids.

We've recently discovered, "The Key of Awesome," so in-between crunches and slurps, we quoted from some of our favorite videos. Today, I'm yawning over my keyboard, but still chuckling at the Owl City and "Back to the Future" impersonations.

Troubles and challenges, those will come. I'm surrounded with God, family, friends, cats, and interesting work. Oh yeah, and the sun is pouring through my attic window.

Enjoy the day!

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