Thursday, August 25, 2011

Anyone Else Having Trouble With Blogger? (Whine)

All of a sudden, I can't italicize, add links, or share YouTube videos on my blog. That means, no piano hymns this Sunday and, to view James Onohan's Wednesday, you'll have to visit Bryony's Facebook page at

I'm hoping it's just a system problem, but I have my doubts because technology and I do not get along. I don't even understand my telephone, but my kids tell me it has a camera and a flashlight. If you text me, I'll answer only if a child is nearby and can text back the answer. At work, I'll be typing along, hit a wrong button, and POOF! my story is deleted, never to be seen again. When my oldest son Christopher, a self-taught computer whiz and the only person I allow to administer my computer, talks about memory and bytes, I just nod my head and sagely smile. No, I don't post pictures on Facebook. Heck, I didn't even set up my Facebook page or my blog. I joke that I need directions for a can opener, but seriously, if someone doesn't show me how to use it (and allow me to practice under a watchful eye), I'll forego the cans.

So, please, make my day. Tell me you're having trouble with Blogger, too.

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