Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So, What's on the Writer's Desk This Morning?

A whole bunch of half-started projects to finish, some from the Herald News, some for Adventist Midwest Health, one for Channahon-Minooka Patch, a couple of cookbook chapters to finish copyediting, and a series of blogs I'm helping to edit for one of the newest members of the Bryony team.

Actually, the Bryony team has several new members. That's for future posts, although I can't wait to share the news!

Woven between the writerly duties (which will probably take a good portion of the week to finish), the washer is broken, so a service call needs to be made; the dryer is acting up so a second service calls needs to be made; and my front tires are bald, so a third service call needs to be made (Alas, that one wasn't in the budget).

On top of it, Joshua, twenty-five, has a suspicious-looking mole, so we're off to the dermatologist tomorrow. The bank and grocery store are beckoning with unrun errands, as is a mountain of uncorrected homework from Rebekah, seventeen, and Daniel, fifteen. However, Rebekah's hand seems to be improving, so that's one demon down.

YIKES! Almost seems unreasonable to slide out for a walk, but out the door I go anyway, soon's as I post this blog. The walk does more than limber up this aging frame and keep the asthma at bay. It clears my mind, increases my energy, and gives me a chance to mentally write some fiction. (Yes, I keep a notebook in my back pocket when I write).

So where am I going with this? Nowhere in particular, except to give all you dear readers out there in virtual Munsonville a glimpse into my life and to wish you a blessed day. On this end of the computer, the sun is shining, the high humidty has broken, the cats are happily scampering around the yard (better there than in my office, kicking over papers), my desk is bursting with interesting work, my house is full of wonderful people, and my phone will soon be ringing with news of my four year old grandson's latest escapades.

Happy Tuesday!

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