Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Playing Bryony

When my sister and I were little, we loved playing "dress-up," in remnants of long dresses, hats, pumps, etc., all saved for that occasion.

This afternoon, two weeks from my fiftieth birthday, I get to revisit a little of that.

My dressmaker contacted me for a fitting of the spring walking suit she sewed for Bryony appearances, so we're hoping it's good to go for this Saturday's Three Rivers Arts Council's second annual, Art in the Park.

From 1 to 5 p.m., Bryony will have a display table, which will be shared by Bryony's director of marketing, Dulcinea Hawksworth, who will be doing body painting. James Onohan, Bryony's pianist and composer, will play at 4:30 p.m.

This is the description of my suit--modified to actually make two suits--my dressmaker sent to me on Facbook:

   "I didn't line them so they would be cooler, so a long slip will work just fine. The first is burgundy satin and the second skirt is shimmer blueish purple with a black satin top. I haven't made a winter one yet and with the black satin top, the skirts can be interchangable. Also the bustle is a mock bustle so you will be able to walk and sit, and it ties on so you will be able to remove it to drive if you like. Also to be a little more vampire esque the sleeves come to a point and so does the jacket."

When she measured me a few months ago, we poured through my hat collection and picked out several that seemed "Victorianish," hats that also coordinated with her vision for the dresses. So, naturally, I'll be bringing those hats along--and some really cool gloves--with me, today.

I'm hoping I can persuade my oldest son to accompany me and take some nice pictures I can post tomorrow. I'm also hoping he doesn't mind if his seventeen-year-old sister and her best friend ride with us. Even if they're not dressing up, they want to watch. What girl, of any age, wouldn't?

I can hardly wait!!!

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