Monday, April 4, 2011

Sarah Stegall's Thoughts on Bryony, Part 1

1) Do you normally read vampire stories?

"Not normally, although I did read the Twilight series twice and I'm working my way through the Anita Blake series (the main character, Anita, is a vampire slayer, zombie riser, and in a major conflict between Master of the City [head vampire] and the next in line head werewolf)."

2) So why did you request a copy of Bryony, followed by drafts of Visage and Staked?

"Simply because I love to hate. I was assuming it would be cheap writing and was surprised by how well I liked the manuscripts. Then I wanted to read the whole story. I hate being left in limbo."

3) What was your reaction the first time you read it?

"Denise has no idea what she created and how perfect the story is for today's crowd."

4) You had just finished the Twilight series around the time you read Bryony? Is not Bryony just another Twilight?

"Absolutely not! Other than the fact Bryony has vampires in it, it's not a sappy love story. It's more like the ultimate plot, deceptively intertwined between characters and books."

5) I have heard you read all three books at least three times. Why?

"The first read was to get through them, the second time to catch all the things I missed the first round, and the third was to actually enjoy the books as they are meant to be. With every read, I learn a different aspect I missed previously."

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