Monday, March 14, 2011

So, Is There Really Going to be a Book?

LOL! Yes, there is. It’s been four months since I returned Round Three Bryony Edits to WriteLife, but word is that my editor is finishing up a comprehensive edit, and I should see the manuscript again soon. In the meantime, there is plenty of Byrony pre-publication bliss to keep me happy: * Just saw the proof for the business cards, and they took terrific! * My editor posted a quote from Bryony on her site. Woo Hoo! * My publicist, Dulcinea Hawksworth, has talked to people eager to review Bryony AND * The first person to review it (a university English professor) sounds positive AND * Dulcinea is lining up venues interested in a Bryony event AND * I'm to appear at a pre-event in April (details as we get closer). * Fundraising for the Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids’ Sake on March 25 is slow, but happening. * I’ve met a number of terrific people willing to be interviewed for the BryonySeries blog. * Sarah Stegall, Bryony’s web administrator, has added a music room page to the Bryony website ( and is working on a humane society page. Plus, the board of trustees page is updated. Check them out! * Stephen Tuplin, Bryony’s filmmaker, has begun some initial shooting for the Bryony trailer in a REAL Victorian mansion. * A small press that MIGHT be interested in the Bryony cookbook is reviewing those files. We're getting closer....

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