Sunday, March 27, 2011

"Every man shall give as he is able." Deuteronomy 16:17

*On Friday night, Bryony did just that. In the entire scheme of Bowl for Kids' Sake, the annual fundraiser of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties (, ten bowlers' efforts for the two Bryony teams--Just Steve and Stake and Blade--seem small and insignificant, but it will make the difference for one child. *We made our fundraising goal of $1,000, the amount it takes to match one child from a single parent home with one positive adult mentor. *To be sure, we sweated it, and we reached the eleventh hour not certain if we would make it. Everyone we know (including us) is broke, so soliciting those donations was hard work. *Still, most people were happy to help, even if all they could offer was a dollar. My fifteen year old son obtained a solicitor's permit and went door to door. We even had a donation post online at midnight, just as the bowling ended. The next day, we received a cash donation. *Besides, we had a blast. My mother bought my daughter, Sarah Stegall, Bryony's web administrator, a plane ticket from North Carolina to Illinois. Sarah like a rock star by flying into town for twenty-four hours for a fundraiser and a taped Bryony interview at the P. Seth Magosky Museum of Victorian Life ( *Anyway, Sarah deserved to feel like a rock star. She designed and maintains the BryonySeries Facebook page, has been instrumental in solicting recipes for the Bryony cookbook, set up the BryonySeries blog, and is the entire creative force behind the BryonySeries website. Moreoever, she raised several hundred for the cause (all this while caring for a four-year old at home). *During the bowling, my twenty-year-old son performed a ridiculous turkey dance, which Sarah videotaped on her phone and plans to upload soon. *My seventeen year old daughter Rebekah bowled with a case of hives and fell asleep between turns due to the antihistamine and a very long day at work. *It was the first time I had seen my adult godddaughter since she lost over a hundred pounds. She's had a makeover, works out, and looks so great, I stood in admiration of her all evening. *We even will have a souvenior of Bryony's first bowling fundraiser. My adult son Christopher bid on and won a blank bowling pin, which a local artist has agreed to decorate in whatever theme the winner requested. *Naturally, Christopher told her he wanted the Bryony logo. He also took a bet that other team members would have some money in their pockets, because he bid more than he had in his wallet. *The high point for the author, fundraising goals aside, was spending a lighthearted evening with all six of her children. With one living out of town and conflicting work and school schedules amongst the rest of them, this hasn't happened in year. *And yes, we got an updated sibling shot. Look for Sarah to post soon at

1 comment:

  1. Please forgive the lack of paragraphing, but blogger is not allowing it to happen today, despite numerous attemtps to re-edit.
