By Timothy Baran, culinary arts student
I know it’s not Thanksgiving Day, but I am thankful for one thing… being born in the twentieth century. The food in the nineteenth century is very...unique.
The Victorians' perspective on not wasting is to be applauded. They were the very first “going green” people out there, but between eating a cow’s ear or sending it to some god-forsaken landfill, I’m casting it away to rot.
To try the food is to learn about the food, and for once I’m closing the door on learning, not just because of the “interesting food” but also the calories. One word: HEART DISEASE!!!!!!! The amount of meat and fat that was consumed makes me want to ***** up ***** in my *******!!!
Although gaining knowledge about this era and the food served is truly a very interesting history lesson. Maybe, in my classes, I ‘ll get a chance to experiment with this kind of food (but not eat it, hopefully).
agreed i wouldn't dare eat most of the food that they ate back then.