Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bryony and Bowl for Kids Sake

It's official! Bryony is now one of the sponsors of this year's Bowl for Kids' Sake for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties (

My family has formed two teams that will be bowling at the March 25 Candlelight Bowl: Just Steve and Stake and Blade. If you would like to bowl with us that night or form your own Bryony team, message us at

Although team members have set modest goals, we are trying to raise as much money as possible. If you would like to sponsor me, click here:

Why should you get involved? According to BBBS, at-risk youth from single parent homes that have experienced their professionally supported, one-on-one mentoring have

* Higher graduation rates
* More positive relationships
* Increased levels of self-confidence

They are also

* 1/3 ess likely to become violent
* 46 percent less likely to use drugs
* 52 percent less likely to skip school

BBBS serves nearly 500 children annually in Will and Grundy Counties. Each $1,000 raised will allow one child to be safey and successfully matched to an adult volunteer for one year. This year's goal is to raise $100,000. Sponsorships fund event costs, so all of the money raised for Bowl for Kids' Sake goes directly to the children.

Why is Bryony getting involved? In my novel, the main character, Melissa, and her brother Brian, live, for a short time, in a single parent home, and are fortunate to have an adult mentor. This is our way of honoring and supporting the efforts of adults who consciously commit to influence children in positive, life-changing ways.

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