Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Stephen Tuplin, Close Up. Part Two

The second and final part of the interview with Stephen Tuplin, the film student creating the Bryony trailer, the James Onohan Bryony music video, and interviews with members of the Bryony team. Connect with Stephen on the following sites: http://flavors.me/echowhitefox, http://www.facebook.com/echowhitefox, and http://twitter.com/#!/echowhitefox. See also his videos on YouTube. 6) Where do you hope to use your skills after you graduate? "I hope to either work for a production company, or do PA work on shoots happening around Chicago. I’m really open to whatever opens up. God’s brought me this far; I don’t worry about tomorrow." 7) It's ten years from today. What are you doing? "I hope to be directing at an independent film company, perhaps my own." 8) Is creating a compelling book trailer more difficult than creating a movie trailer? Can you elaborate? "Well, a trailer consists of footage from a movie that has already been shot. Since this is a book, it’s more about making it into a movie and then making a trailer. Since I don’t have the means to do this, it’ll be more about thinking up specific shots and sequences to film. So, this is going to be more difficult than a movie trailer; but it’ll still be a blast." 9) After agreeing to create the Bryony trailer, you offered to film interviews with members of the Bryony team? Why are these extras important to have? "I proposed this because it sounds like your website for the book is in need of content. Since you’ll have a video for the book, it only seems more convenient to have face-to-face interviews with those responsible for the book. Knowing the faces of the people behind a novel causes a connection for the reader. I find I respect a film more after watching behind the scenes footage of the filming; a book is no different." 10) What feeling will people have after viewing the Bryony trailer? "My goal is to tease the audience with ambiguity and wonder; but also some surrealism. If the footage is the book's cover, it’s my goal to make them want to open it."

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