Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Got an "A," Hurray!!!

Yesterday morning, Bryony's publicist, Dulcinea Hawksworth, and I reviewed a video she had sent me on branding and marketing. Dulcinea had urged me to watch it because she felt it contained some future networking opportunities for us, and we once again discussed goals for Bryony.

Two parts in that video really leaped out at me. One compared effective and ineffective logos and taglines, which reinforced my confidence that what we were designing was spot on. The other was a section about "giving back," which has been part of my marketing goal for Bryony since the beginning, and I triumphantly reminded Dulcinea of it.

"Congratulations," she said. "You have passed Marketing 101 with an 'A'."

Needless to say, I felt pretty good about that, considering my head is spinning with press kits, period costumes, strategy briefs, creating a music box for the trailer and CD cover, checking out locations for the trailer and music video, completing the cookbook, and CD cover art, including locating a model for John Simons, etc.

I'm not sure what's involved in the next marketing class, but with such an enthusiastic professor leading it, I'm definitely looking forward to it.

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