Sunday, December 5, 2010


I'm sitting in the office of the distribution center, waiting for a newspaper truck to arrive and writing a piece for tomorrow, when one of the supervisors walks in for flat bags and asks if I'm working on the book.

I laugh and say, "No," then add that the publisher e-mailed me this week and said she might have a better idea of a publication date after this round of edits. Actually, three o'clock in the morning is the perfect time to write vampire stories, but I have newspaper deadlines to meet, so fiction can wait.

As a working, homeschooling mother who's husband just lost his job (along with the medical insurance), it can be dificult to carve the time for the fun writing: i.e. those pieces no one assigned and that, sometimes, no one reads, but me. Also, if I waited until the decks were completely cleared of all duties, well, I wouldn't even be writing this blog.

Of course, I occasionally long for a month-long writing vacation where I can completely focus on a project, with no interuptions. Yet, the older I become, the more I see how being faithful in a certain area actually facilitates another, even one that is unrelated.

More on this tomorrow.

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