Saturday, November 27, 2010

Denise Unland's Alternative Geneology Part 10

In the ever-continuing saga of my make-believe ancestry, Ed Calkins, the Steward of Tara, reveals the history-changing outcome from overpaying a bill.

Number Six woke the next day to discover that the check for three days drinking, a large fortune by dark age standards, seven dollars and 47.3 cents by today’s money, had been paid twice. Fearing Divine retribution, Number Six knew she had to return the halves to the appropriate party. It is certain that the Orthodox Church got its refund but that was because it was down the block from the winery.

If we are to contend that Number Six, who is an ancestor of Denise, went to Ireland and settled there, what proof could we find? Firstly, we know that Ireland was not experiencing a shortage of beer at the time, so if she ever made it there, she would have no reason to leave, but how do we even know that she realized the monks were from Ireland?

However there is the fact that two years latter the Irish GDP had raised to an unprecedented seven dollars and 47 cents. (.3 cents might have been the tip) The percentage of the rise was uncalulateable seeing that for the last ten years the GDP was zero. (Years before it was negative.)

Clearly both Brother Clover and Number Six spent the rest of their days in Ireland.

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