Monday, October 18, 2010

Six Questions with Bryony Fan Wayne David Blankenship

Wayne David Blankenship is an avid fan and reader of the Bryony Facebook page. He is following the posts and waiting patiently for Bryony’s release date. So Bryony’s web administrator Sarah Stegall sent Wayne a few questions about his interest in Bryony, books, and vampires.

Sarah: “What is the first thing you would do if you wrote a famous book?”

Wayne: “The first thing I would do is help family and friends in need with the earnings from the book. I would also start a savings account for my family, and make sure to spend the money wisely, and make it last.”

Sarah: “What is your favorite thing about the Victorian Era?”

Wayne: “I would definitely say my favorite thing about the Victorian era was its long period of peace, the prosperity of the British people, and all of the innovations that were born out of the era.”

Sarah: “Why is it important to still pick up a book when technology is everywhere?”

Wayne: “I think technology is good for quick answers to questions, socializing, and catching up on the news. However, nothing beats reading books when it comes to diving deep into a subject, immersing oneself into a magical world, or following comical characters hitchhiking through the universe.”

Sarah: “Vampires: Real or myth?”

Wayne: “Are vampires real.....although vampiric entities have been recorded in many cultures and although speculation of their presence has been around since seeming the beginning of time, I believe they are mythical creatures.”

Sarah: “Why do you find the Bryony Facebook posts interesting?”

Wayne: “They leave me wanting more, wanting to hear more of the story, and definitely point to a vampire story that is original, not just "another teenage vampire movie."

Sarah: “What is something you'd like to see on the Bryony blog?”

Wayne: “I would enjoy seeing more snippets from the book, and people's opinions thereof. I would like to know how many people, other than myself, are interested in the book.”

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