Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Community News: July 31, 2019

Check out the awesome things people are doing.

If you live within the Herald-News' coverage area (most of Will and Grundy counties in Illinois), and you'd like to share your organization's news or upcoming events, email the information to

Students at Lewis University in Romeoville earn dean’s lists for spring 2019

Plainfield Park District donation delivers play opportunities around the world

Will County collects record amount of textiles in week-long event

Plainfield senior volunteers at elementary school

Joliet school celebrates 65th year reunion

Grads, students and staff paint Plainfield school


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Illustration by Matt Coundiff for "Visage." Follow him at 

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Community News: July 30, 2019

Check out upcoming events and the awesome things people are doing.

If you live within the Herald-News' coverage area (most of Will and Grundy counties in Illinois), and you'd like to share your organization's news or upcoming events, email the information to

Illinois State Museum Society hosting day trips to Lockport, Joliet

Register now for the Shorewood Crossroads Festival parade

Around Town: Motor Mat Car Wash in Joliet

Fatigue in the workplace is a growing problem

Women’s Healthcare of Illinois offering nitrous oxide during labor and delivery


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Illustration by Kathleen Rose Van Pelt for "Bryony."

In Praise of Adverbs

Readers, this post may leave you mystified, but many people who write will understand.

In the "writing world," expert and (non-expert writers) exhort fledglings like me to write neatly, concisely, and to strip sentences of all unnecessary fluff.

And to beware, at all costs, the most useless word of them all: the adverb.

Adverbs, as the maxim goes, are redundant and weaken the power of verbs, diluting a sentence with two words when one strong word is preferred. If you do use them, no more than two or three to a manuscript.


That is true in some cases. And maybe the origin of Tom Swifties.

But the point of adverbs is to modify the verb, the adjective, and even other adverbs, and I drilled this definition into my children's head when we studied the eight parts of speech.

The right adverbs at the right time (sometimes even several at a time) gives the black and white sentence its color and tone.

Agreed, any useless word, adverb or not, should be ruthlessly removed during the editing phases. But not at the sacrifice of the writing, not to create writing stripped to its informational essence and abandon writing that stirs emotions.

It's nuanced, I know.

Before I submitted the first installment of Before the Blood to my editor, I rewrote the first three paragraphs of the third chapter many times to eliminate the adverbs and most of the adjectives (because they come under suspect, too).

Ever hear of the Peter Principal? It's when a person rises to a level of incompetence. 

For example, a great teacher is promoted through the ranks until he finally becomes a superintendent. But teaching and superintending are different skills, and the traits that made our prototype a great teacher make him a poor superintendent. He has risen to his own incompetence.

The same came happen with over-editing. I finally decided to leave the paragraphs alone and let my editor decide if the adverbs had overtaken the garden like kudzu or of they added a sense of naturalness, like a few dandelion heads in a back yard.

This poison of tallies and figures had spread to his mother, for Lucetta moved more slowly and with greater lethargy, an ethereal presence even in her own suite, as she cared for, and murmured softly to,  her beloved and rapidly multiplying houseplants.

Slate has a hilariously true article that expounds on this more eloquently than I did. And if you want to come away from it with a deeper sense of good writing, please read it to the end.

Because I have clearly broken all the adverb rules in this post.

Illustration by Kathleen Rose Van Pelt for "Bryony."

Monday, July 29, 2019

Community News: July 29, 2019

Check out adoptable pets and upcoming events.

If you live within the Herald-News' coverage area (most of Will and Grundy counties in Illinois), and you'd like to share your organization's news or upcoming events, email the information to

Discounted dog park permits now on sale

Pets of the Week: July 28

Gotta Do It: July 29 through Aug. 5

Local arts and entertainment: July 29 through Aug. 5

Local faith events: July 29 through Aug. 5

Local food events: July 29 through Aug. 5

Local health events: July 30 through Aug. 6

Local pets events: July 29 through Aug. 5


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Illustration by Kathleen Rose Van Pelt for "Bryony."

Someone to Admire

I read an article this morning titled The King of Adventure Stares Down Death.

While as not to bring it all back to me and things I've written, he reminded me of a character I'd created in Before the Blood, who's now in the twilight years. And I feel certain the man in this story would have felt at home with him.

Here's my passage. The link to the article is below it. I hope it inspires you, too.

Have a great Monday readers, writers, and BryonySeries fans. :)

She looked at the old man standing before her dressed in only overalls, hair scraggly and wet. Yet despite withered muscles beneath papery skin, an inner stamina remained, enough to put younger men to shame.

How many adventures had he and her cowboy had, a lifetime of undertakings before she drew first ragged breath? How many years of farming, lumbering, maple-syruping, and mustang-breaking, plus who knows what else as they traversed one end of this country to the other? 

Illustration by Kathleen Rose Van Pelt for "Bryony."

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Community News: July 27, 2019

Check out the awesome things people are doing.

If you live within the Herald-News' coverage area (most of Will and Grundy counties in Illinois), and you'd like to share your organization's news or upcoming events, email the information to

7th annual “Plainfield Really, Really Free Market' set for Aug. 3 Plainfield

Employee at Romeoville university honored

Civil Air Patrol cadet receives achievement award

Girl Scouts launches 42 new badges to help girls make choices

Minooka teen participated in aviation program

Will County circuit court clerks bring their children to work

KLA Schools of Plainfield hosted annual STEM Fair


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Illustration by Christopher Gleason for "Staked!" Follow him at

Ed Calkins Explains "Ex" and "Why"

Dear MOMI,   
             I should apologize in advance of attempting this piece to those who know better about gender than I. My understanding is prejudiced by my experience and limited perception, but I’m compelled to write. Please understand that the world has been changing faster than my reading speed, comprehension, and fossilized memory can absorb. I’m always getting confused about my identity as a vampire and a mortal man. If I’m a sixty-one-year-old mortal, my dyslexia keeps insisting that I’m sixteen and therefore, I know everything especially about gender. So with the wisdom of a teenager and the up-to-the minute understanding of nineteen seventy two, I will take my stab at the difference of male and female.
              It’s all in the chromosomes really. Both men and women have the same number, but they differ in ways best explained by someone who is sixteen. There are two types of chromosomes; the ‘ex’ and the ‘why.'
              Nature gives women two of the ‘ex’ chromosomes for the purpose of reproduction; that is to reproduce all the ex-lovers, ex-husbands, and ex-wives that her ancestral fathers and mothers blundered through while planting her family tree. What better way to reproduce the perils, problems, and poor judgment of mate selection, without which, the population growth would be zero. Does any girl reaching the wisdom of sixteen look upon her family history and say to herself, “Gee I want create a family just like mine?” Yet the ‘ex’ chromosome over-rides this wisdom and on the average most will have children by at least the number of ‘ex’s in her chromosome pair. Chromosomes and the resulting hormones are the reason that jerky lovers haven’t gone extinct.
              That brings us to those jerky lovers and their (our) chromosomes. The ‘why’ chromosome is so powerful, you only need one to inherit the often asked question, “Why are men such jerks?” Teen wisdom might insist that not all people with an ‘ex’ and a ‘why’ can be so but ask any person with two ‘ex’s and they will insist otherwise. Can the ‘why’ chromosome be truly blamed for this? All I can say is for every jerk of a male, there was a sixteen-year-old boy who asked himself, "Why did I become such a jerk?" It’s not the men don’t have an ‘ex’ chromosome too; that acts in the same way it does in a woman, its just that the “why’ did I do that,” question overrides the ‘ex’ that we did it to. Trust me, the answer to that ‘why’ is almost always the hormones that result with the chromosome of the same. Keep in mind of course that a person can inherit the question ‘why’ without the chromosomes or hormones. Still without the ‘why’ chromosome the language to ask, ‘Why did I do that?’ would not exist.
              In biology class, where politeness is accepted, the letters ‘y’ and ‘x’ are used to hide the illicit explanation. This backfired. Look at the letter ‘y’ and tell me that it doesn’t resemble something explicitly male. As for the other letter, it’s the definition of ‘x’ rated. Nonetheless, the use of letters suggest variables that further lend to illicit formulae. Consider the equation of popular male fantasy; 2x + y shared = 3 *(disappointment + different ideas about what a threesome is).
              Now, one might think by this piece that the Steward of Tara would have had some bad experiences with the notion of pairing an ‘ex ex’ with a ‘why ex’. Nothing can be further from the truth. Though I have many wives, my sleeping with only one of them is machete enforced by the first wife, who only sleeps with her sexual husband (me). My ‘why’ seems to be too lazy to ask about the jerk thing (don’t try and picture that); asking instead, ‘why does she put up with me?’ Maybe its not just the ‘why’ in our relationship but it’s the three ‘ex’s. Both of us have never been divorced but have been married many times; therefore we don’t spend out ‘ex’s on ex-spouses. Where she names her husbands, e.g. Gambling husband, shopping husband…, I number them according to their significance. This means that I am always renumbering my wives, thus I get to use up my being a jerk behavior on women I’m not sleeping with. Since all my marriages are life sentences, served concurrently, I have an extra ‘ex’ to share with her. Since her marriages are also concurrent, she can use those ‘ex’s on things like ‘experts,' ‘exporters,' and ‘extraterrestrials.' Do you think her life is interesting?
             Ruthlessly yours, 

Ed Calkins

Friday, July 26, 2019

Community News: July 26, 2019

Check out upcoming events and the awesome things people are doing.

If you live within the Herald-News' coverage area (most of Will and Grundy counties in Illinois), and you'd like to share your organization's news or upcoming events, email the information to

Foster meets with members of Art Movement in Joliet

Foster visits the owner of Regis Glass Art in Joliet

C.W. Avery Family YMCA receives donation

Tips for having safe boating experiences

Students and staff at Frankfort school love reading

Joliet students create marketing videos for NASCAR event

Shorewood Crossroads Festival set for Aug. 2 to Aug. 4


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Illustration by Kathleen Rose Van Pelt for "Bryony."

Story Round-Up: Features in The Herald-News, July 21 through July 26

Good morning!

Below are the feature stories that ran in this week's Herald-News. If you missed any of them, check them out now. Or re-read any you enjoyed.

Fiction update: Sue Midlock said she is done with the interior illustrations for Cornell Dyer and the Never Robbers and she is working on the cover. Once we have the art, I can upload the story.

Timothy and I have a tentative "Cornell" breakfast tomorrow morning to review his outline for Cornell Dyer and the Flu. His goal is to have five Cornell books available by September's VampCon.

Then in the afternoon, Rebekah and I are getting together with Sue to work on the scrolls. This will probably be the most fiction I'll get done this weekend.

Because my other goal is to finish my draft of Phyllis' memoir and get that to her.

No new Bertrand The Mouse books are in the works (yet), but Rebekah and Daniel did find, just yesterday, the raggedy copies of the little phonics books I used to teach my six children how to read.

A couple parents had approached me about writing some Bertrand books for kids just learning to read. I have a list of sight words that's at least a year now and no inspiration. The phonics books may help me out in that regard.

Have a great Friday, readers, writers, and BryonySeries fans! :)

Non-bylined features:

Monday through Saturday I assembled my non-bylined works - brief posts and calendar listings - into one convenient file and posting them on Facebook in the evening, so readers can easily choose the ones they want to read.

One can also find those event listings, the Gotta Do It calendar, as well as the pets, health, faith, and arts and entertainment calendars, under the sections tab on the left hand side of Click on "features" and the topics drop down.  Gotta Do It runs under "people."

Community news? Again, under the sections tab, under features, and by topic. Updates are posted on these days in print and web (and some only on web on other days as I have the time): 

 Social media:

Daily updates: I do post the briefs and calendars on Twitter during the week, so you're welcome to follow me at @Denise_Unland61.

BryonySeries stuff: I post curated content relating to the BryonySeries at @BryonySeries. And assorted related content at And of course, please follow the adventures of Bertrand the Mouse on Instagram at bertrand_bryonyseries.

If you're a writer anywhere in the world, you're welcome to jon WriteOn Joliet's Facebook page at We're based in Joliet, Illinois, but we love to meet and interact with writers outside our area, too.

Upcoming events:

Once Timothy Baran is done updating this page, these will listed here:

Check out the progress he has made so far. Each square is hand-built. And be sure to "hover" your hand over the first square. Note: this only works (so far) with the desktop version.

But he's also made A LOT of changes to the website. So be sure to roam around a bit.

Books and Such

Information on my books (including where to buy) along with upcoming events is at Again, Timothy is in the process of updating the website, so all titles may not appear. If you have any questions, email me at

Thank you for reading The Herald-News. And for reading this blog. And if you've read (or plan to read) any of my books. Your support is greatly appreciated.

'I wanted to be where the action was'
Iconic Woodstock photographer to appear at commemorative event at Joliet theater

"When we heard about Woodstock, we were halfway through our trip," Baron Wolman said. "I said, 'OK, we've got to go. It looks like all the bands playing are high-level bands. We cannot not go.'"

An Extraordinary Life The measure of a truly good man
Wilmington man understood the value of the past and service to others

“He was an amazing man," Diane Cantu of Wilmington said about her husband Gerald Cantu. "He kind of walked to his own drum. But it was an honest drum.”

Safe on foot – when commuting means walking
Pedestrians and drivers share the responsibility for keeping walkers safe

It's a dangerous time to be a pedestrian.

But it's not just drivers who are hurried and distracted.

Illinois study analyzes cases of wildlife in food

Many people today like their food fresh, natural and organic.

But they may draw the line at sharing that meal with other "organic creatures."

'A test of confidence'
60-year-old youth symphony orchestra holding auditions in Romeoville

" felt even if I was not learning something technical about my instrument, I was still learning the history about why a piece is written.” (Audra Sybert, former MYSO member and now the orchestra's executive director).

How does Blackmore's garden grow? 
Award-winning Lockport resident shares insights into successful gardening

One tip from Heather Blackmore: "Don’t go out and buy a bunch of plants. Chances are you’re going to kill a lot and become discouraged.”

LocalLit book spotlight: 'Toby and Miko' by Terri Ellinger of Joliet
Upcoming review about a boy who befriends a unicorn

Illustration by Matt Coundiff for "Visage." Follow him at 

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Community News: July 25, 2019

It's all about the food today!

The Fruit Truck Tour is coming to Joliet

This delicious pasta and shrimp dish will take you to Venice

Can you have a Baja-style fish taco with just veggies? Sure

How to grill tuna with a smoky char and a tender interior

Low oven temperature and cucumber can make swordfish shine

A vinaigrette packed with fresh herbs makes salmon better

Buy now. Proceeds benefit youth mentoring.

"Brian's Toast"

A Drink of Water, Victorian-style


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Illustration by Matt Coundiff for "Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles from "Bryony." Follow him at 

BryonySeries Throwback Thursday: "Please Confiscate the Vampire Skin" by Allie Rios

Friday, August 16, 2013

"Please Confiscate the Vampire Skin" by Allie Rios and Story Round Up

Please Confiscate the Vampire Skin by Allie Rios
Please confiscate the vampire skin

That sparkles in the sun;

Give the predators evil powers

Like Bram Stoker would have done!

Slap on them some leather

and give them all a dark disguise;

Bring Blade with blackened sunglasses

To banish Edward’s unconvincing eyes.

Replace Bella with a woman

Who maintains a semblance of a clue;

Perhaps the angst-ridden Juliet

and Romeo’s fateful dagger would make do.

Release the shirtless werewolf

Whose abs would have more appeal

If his howling, sullen whininess

Could ever close the deal.

Please find me stronger villains

Than the Volturi seem to be;

Cruella De Ville’s available

And would tame those giant dogs for free.

Replace the clueless father

With one equally unaware;

Clark Griswold is a primo choice

For at least he combs his hair.

Once you’ve overcome the book

and brave the cinematic scene,

Remember as you publish your own

There’s writers worse than me!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Community News: July 24, 2019

Check out the awesome things people are doing.

If you live within the Herald-News' coverage area (most of Will and Grundy counties in Illinois), and you'd like to share your organization's news or upcoming events, email the information to

Around Town Floral beauty near Barney Drive in Joliet

Joliet Junior College students earn dean’s lists for spring 2019

Valley View announces first member of the class of 2032

Check out the works of WriteOn Joliet's published members.


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Illustration by Kathleen Rose Van Pelt for "Bryony."

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Community News: July 23, 2019

Below are great tips for safe summer fun for people and pets

If you live within the Herald-News' coverage area (most of Will and Grundy counties in Illinois), and you'd like to share your organization's news or upcoming events, email the information to

Experts share their best tips for safe summer fun Be safe on bikes, at playgrounds, from bites and in the pool

Six tips to keep pets safe during storm season

Create a safe 'outdoor living room' for your pets

Tips for keeping cats and dogs cool
Even indoor pets may need a little help from their human friends


AMITA Health Hospitals earn top safety grades for patient safety


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Illustration by Christopher Gleason for "Staked!" Follow him at

Collaborative Art

Earlier this year, WriteOn Joliet hosted a display of collaborative pieces at the downtown branch of the Joliet Public Library.

I wound up collaborating with two different photographers as well as BryonySeries artist Sue Midlock.

Sue is currently working on a novel based on a real-life seventeenth century Scottish witch, so I suggested we create something with a witch them.

So Sue came up with the title "The Witch's Spell." She did the art, asked me to write the text, and then she added the words and embellishing touches.

It had three panels. This is the result.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Community News: July 22, 2019

Check out upcoming events and the awesome things people are doing.

If you live within the Herald-News' coverage area (most of Will and Grundy counties in Illinois), and you'd like to share your organization's news or upcoming events, email the information to

Pets of the Week: July 21

Lockport Park District hosting 2 trips

Gallery Seven in Lockport seeking Illinois artists

Gotta Do It: July 22 through July 29

Local arts and entertainment: July 22 through July 29

Local faith events: July 22 through July 29

Local food events: July 22 through July 29

Local pets events: July 22 through July 29


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Sign up for The Munsonville Times

Illustration by Matt Coundiff for "Visage." Follow him at 

"Middle School Reading Lists 100 Years Ago vs. Today:" A Response

Last week on Facebook, I posted a link to a 2016 article called "Middle School Reading Lists 100 Years Ago vs. Today."

Here is the link:

Although some of the Facebook comments supported classic reading material, most felt classic was boring or irrelevant and felt modern works were best for modern young readers,

Back in our homeschooling days (I'm talking about me and my six children), we read a large variety of material.

In fact, although reading was my main occupation as a child, those two and a half decades of homeschooling were incredibly rich for me, too, in terms of reading material, in volume, variety, and enjoyment, so much that I'll never experience anything like it again.

Although we read nothing on List Two of the 2016 article, we did read Evangeline by Henry Wadsworth Longellow and we did read Treasure Island by Robert Lewis Stevenson.

And although we did not read the rest of the exact selections cited on List One, we did read other works by Rudyard Kipling, Washington Irving, Charles Dickens, Edgar Allan Poe, and Nathaniel Hawthorne.

On the other hand, we had a unique approach to reading these works, which would be hard to replicate in a classroom. And all six adult kids still love reading today.

Here's what we did.

1) We steeped our lives in reading.

By the time a baby showed interest in a board book, we spent about an hour a day in reading, although not all at once, perhaps fifteen minutes scattered throughout the day. Until the child could read, I did the reading. And we always read at bedtime.

We also read at meals. The kids brought books to the breakfast table. During lunch, I would read a chapter at a time from a book we normally would not read on our own. This is how we got through titles such as Treasure Island (twice, in fact), The Wind in the Willows, Mrs. Mike, and The Mysterious Island (to name a few). One chapter and no more. This gave us time for discussion and to anticipate the next day's chapter. The kids also got to hear how reading should "sound."

For the record, we never finished Pride and Prejudice, although we did try really hard. But the writing made us squirm in irritation until we finally dumped the book and moved on.

We also couldn't "get into" Tom Sawyer. But that was just us.

During dinner, we had several books at the table: Bibles, church history, lives of the saints, a bit of catechism. We read and talked together (in ways many would find irreverent, but kids process things differently than adults, and I gave them the freedom to do so), and dinner could last a couple hours.

All this reading was over and above the "fun" reading, and reading that was part of our curriculum.

One th flip side, the kids were also terrible at remembering where they set library books (or where a sibling who swiped the books to read, too, had placed them) and returning books on time. Their library fines could be staggerings.

Side note: the kids paid their own fines, especially once we lived in Channahon, and the library was a couple blocks away. The only time they did not was if the book was borrowed from a library a distance from the house, and I was did not drive them there before the book was due.

2) We read a variety of literature - and we were free not to like it.

We're grateful to Abeka for their outstanding selections, for they assembled many happy hours of reading in their "readers" (which went through twelfth grade), along with stories the kids still pick up to re-read.

Although we did not like every selection, we did read them all, and we did not have to like them. I remember Markheim by Robert Lewis Stevenson being a dreadful read until I read it for the last time. Somewhere in the six reads (once with each child), I'd developed a grudging appreciation for it.

I approached many selections with "I'm sure I won't like this," only to find I did like it. I had never read Sherlock Holmes and was fairly certain the stories would be dull (they weren't). We read folk tales, and poetry, and many of the books also included a huge variety of art (one illustration of a hare is truly creepy).

I think what gave my kids an open-minded approach to the stories is that we read them together. I never handed them an intimidating book and said, "Go read it," while I did something else.

We sat together at the table, or lay across the living room carpet, and we read together, usually just for fifteen minutes at a time, four days a week. We read each paragraph aloud, in alternating paragraphs, which meant sometimes one person would get a line, and the next might get a paragraph that stretched for half a page.

We shared thoughts as we read. If the entire selection didn't resonate with us, we commiserated together. But we also laughed (and sometimes cried) together, or we marveled at certain elements of the characters and story lines. Sometimes one person loved the selection, and the other couldn't wait for it to be done.

Rebekah and I still reference one story, and neither can remember the name, that was so bad, we kept waiting for the author to pull the "Aha!" and make it better. But that never happened. It was horrible, all the way to the end.

We also, usually, skipped the boring questions at the end of the reading.

Along the way, we gained a knowledge and appreciation of an enormous variety of writing styles and subject matter, along with learning about the people who wrote the selections and (perhaps very important for today), the place in time and culture in which they were written, which gave us an extremely wide perspective and provoked many open conversations.

3) Most of the modern stuff was read on our own time.

So, yeah, we didn't lock ourselves in this quaint little alternate world. Both my mother and sister worked as booksellers for many years (the first at Barnes and Noble, the second at Borders) and always gifted my kids with lots of books on birthdays and Christmas.

My mother used her discount to let the kids pick out what they liked ($50 worth for the younger kids, $100 for the older ones). My sister just came with books, sometimes bags of them. Often, she brought titles she had enjoyed (that's how we read Mrs Mike and Fahrenheit 451), with one of them being The Giver (my kids loved it, I loathed it).

My kids introduced me to Foxtrot and Goosebumps; I introduced them to Doonesbury, Tales from the Far Side, and Peanuts.

The read volumes of books with titles I'll never know. I have only read the first Harry Potter and found it to be OK. I tried the second one twice and could  not make it past the second chapter (The kids have offered to summarize it for me so I can read the rest. Maybe someday).

I have never read Pendragon (yet).

We have memories and inside jokes and taglines that will last forever.

BTW, Daniel recently came home with a DVD of the last Peanuts movie. We all watched it (and loved it together).

Illustration by Kathleen Rose Van Pelt for "Bryony."

Friday, July 19, 2019

Community News: July 19, 2019

Check out the awesome things people are doing.

If you live within the Herald-News' coverage area (most of Will and Grundy counties in Illinois), and you'd like to share your organization's news or upcoming events, email the information to

Morris teen wins composition competition
By Brandon Grossi

Joliet students enjoy a field trip at the ballpark

Paint Night at Troy Cronin involves parents, students

FEEG Group sponsored its 5th annual gala to help Will County seniors and youth

News updates from the Forest Preserve District of Will County


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Illustration by Christopher Gleason for "Staked!" Follow him at

Story Round-Up: Features in The Herald-News, July 14 through July 19

For everyone who took the time to express birthday greetings this past week: THANK YOU.

The past couple weeks have been amazing, interesting, challenging, and full of surprises of all kinds, all the way up through yesterday with some last minute interviews scheduled for today.

I'm tired (but I've got a Gloria Jean coffee sitting beside me, another surprise), and I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend of making art on many levels.

I pray everyone reading this had a wonderful week and an even better weekend waiting for them.

Have a great Friday, readers, writers, and BryonySeries fans! :)

Non-bylined features:

Monday through Saturday I assembled my non-bylined works - brief posts and calendar listings - into one convenient file and posting them on Facebook in the evening, so readers can easily choose the ones they want to read.

One can also find those event listings, the Gotta Do It calendar, as well as the pets, health, faith, and arts and entertainment calendars, under the sections tab on the left hand side of Click on "features" and the topics drop down.  Gotta Do It runs under "people."

Community news? Again, under the sections tab, under features, and by topic. Updates are posted on these days in print and web (and some only on web on other days as I have the time): 

 Social media:

Daily updates: I do post the briefs and calendars on Twitter during the week, so you're welcome to follow me at @Denise_Unland61.

BryonySeries stuff: I post curated content relating to the BryonySeries at @BryonySeries. And assorted related content at And of course, please follow the adventures of Bertrand the Mouse on Instagram at bertrand_bryonyseries.

If you're a writer anywhere in the world, you're welcome to jon WriteOn Joliet's Facebook page at We're based in Joliet, Illinois, but we love to meet and interact with writers outside our area, too.

Upcoming events:

Once Timothy Baran is done updating this page, these will listed here:

Check out the progress he has made so far. Each square is hand-built. And be sure to "hover" your hand over the first square. Note: this only works (so far) with the desktop version.

But he's also made A LOT of changes to the website. So be sure to roam around a bit.

Books and Such

Information on my books (including where to buy) along with upcoming events is at Again, Timothy is in the process of updating the website, so all titles may not appear. If you have any questions, email me at

Thank you for reading The Herald-News. And for reading this blog. And if you've read (or plan to read) any of my books. Your support is greatly appreciated.

The adorable part of Shorewood's annual festival
Past winners offer their best tips to entrants of this year's baby contest

With the deadline quickly approaching for entering a child in this year's contest, Mary Quast of Plainfield shared some tips for parents. She felt the right outfit, along with a great demeanor on the part of the baby and the parents, really helps.

An Extraordinary Life: 'She was indeed a tough person'
Joliet native didn't let challenges get in the way of accomplishing her goals

 AJ Erickson of Burr Ridge said he walked the Disney Princess half marathon at Disney World in 2014 with his Stephanie Pavnica, two years into her battle with a carcinoid, a rare neuroendocrine tumor.

And they finished it.

"I had done no training," AJ said, "And she was still pushing me along. I had a hard time keeping up with her."

Channahon woman battles breast cancer with all she's got

Chiara Robinette said: "Women are living longer and longer with metastatic breast cancer. I plan on being one of them."

Celebrate National Ice Cream Day with 4 vintage recipes

Two vanilla, one strawberry, and one apple ice

Be safe while grilling foods outside this summer

With the heat index stuck at "way too hot" for the remainder of this week, more people will likely turn to outdoor grilling rather than turning on the stove.

But July is also the peak month for grilling fires, according to a news release from the Office of the State Fire Marshall.

A curiosity as big as Houbolt's
Joliet Area Historical Museum to host interactive, commemorative event

Heather Bigeck, museum curator, said Houbolt once put wings on a baby buggy to see if it could fly and experimented with flight by jumping out of a hay loft holding an umbrella. He was always pondering, "How does this work?"

Sometimes we lose that curiosity as we mature and we go onto higher education and learning," Bigeck said. "He took that curiosity and turned it into his career."

Two instruments, one large sound
Renowned harmonicist to perform at #Joliet park on July 25

"When you're looking at a guitar player, you can watch their fingers," Filisko said. "But when you're playing the harmonica, the magic happens inside the mouth with the acrobatics the tongue is doing. That has been endlessly intriguing to me."

LocalLit book spotlight: "Stay" by Jim McGuire of New Lenox

On May 7, I wrote a story for The Herald-News about a book by Joliet Area Community Hospice Chaplain Jim McGuire of New Lenox.

I have since read the book, "Stay," which I will review in this Tuesday's LocalLit newsletter.

Illustration by Matt Coundiff for "Visage." Follow him at