Saturday, August 31, 2013

Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara: "Misunderstandings and Cross-Mythologies"

So I sent the following link to Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara:

Many days passed before he replied. I was not concerned, as the universe's only official Irish vampire (Psst: Don't tell the IVA) is busy with many ruthless responsibilities. When the Steward finally broke his silence, he emailed the following:

Dear MOMI! (Mistress of my Immortality)

The misunderstandings and cross-mythologies has blurred my vision, stunned my equalliberium (like I was going to spell that correctly), and rendered me speechless.

Can it be that a joke about a Celtic cross is more effective then the cross itself? Perhaps I will comment further when my head clears.

Until then....

Yours ruthlessly.

Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara


Friday, August 30, 2013

"D'UH!-m Publishing" by Tom Hernandez and Two Weeks of Story Round Ups


To:       Ms. Stephanie Meyer

Re:      Recent book query

Dear Ms. Meyer,

Thank you for your recent submission of your book, “Twilight” to D’UH!-m Publishing. We appreciate your interest in working with our company.

Our company’s stated goal is to bring the written word to the masses, in a way that will enrich our authors and our own corporate bank account. We do this by appealing to the masses through what we commonly refer to as “LCD Literature” – that is, books that appeal to the “lowest common denominator.”

Our years of experience and unprecedented publishing success have proven that the average person doesn’t much care about the quality of the writing.

Rather, they are more interested in derivative themes or genres featuring disjointed story telling; ridiculous plots that defy even the most dedicated attempts to “suspend disbelief”; sex between unrealistically beautiful teens; low-brow humor; more teen sex; overwrought, empty, belly-button gazing self examination; vapid, stilted, simplistic writing; more teen sex; and the kind of “underwear model” characters who can easily be cross marketed to feed our audience’s other great passion: Celebrity Status!

Our business model is as simple as it is successful: “Don’t raise them up, dumb them down!”

Now, to the business at hand. I have read your book. As hard as it is for me to admit this, it falls below even our already-shamelessly low standards. Frankly, I cannot believe you even took the time to put a stamp on your envelope much less write this book.

We at D’Uh-m Publishing are usually very happy to put out anything that will sell. I mean, what the heck? A buck is a buck, right? But we will be even happier to not publish “Twilight.” Hopefully, someone, somewhere will see this as a selfless attempt to protect the public, most especially teen girls from the brain damage that this book might cause them, and give us a gold star in Literature Heaven.

I would offer best wishes, but that might encourage you to shop this drivel to another publisher.

Regards (but not kind or fond),

Tom Hernandez


D’uh-m Publishing
A plateful of purpose: woman brings healthy eating program to Joliet
A plant-based diet based on Biblical principles is the best way to eat, Audree Lee says. For more information, keep reading.
Late artists paintings go on display
Gale Tolf suffered from mental illness but that didn't dampen her talent for producing rich, colorful art or live a life as vibrant as her work.
From adoption, a rescue is born
Learn about a rescue group that caters to all herding breeds, and find out how you can help.
Local music at heart of this fest
A local bar and grill owner never forgot the variety of music his grandfather introduced into his life. Certain others would enjoy it, too, Mikie Trizna began a local music festival that attracts thousands of patrons.
Frankfort author writes her own path
When Dianne Gallagher couldn't find a publisher for her crime novel because of its atypical protagonist, Gallagher founded her own company, much to the delight of local book clubs.
Centenarian always had energy, adaptability
Lawrence Santini had a passion for life and a knack for reinventing himself, quite possibly his secret to longevity.
Doctor's orders: canine comfort
Nothing quite brings solace to the dying and the grieving as a well-trained, four-footed, furry visitor.
Mission trip a powerful experience for New Lenox woman
Writing a dissertation may not seem like a prime motivator for a mission trip, but, for Helen Hicks, it not only opened a door for her, it changed her life.
Bolingbrook teen introduced to fine China
Justin Payton not only traveled abroad to study the foundations of another culture, he won an entrepreneur contest two weeks later.
Bolingbrook Joyfest sends music with a message
Pozitive Xchange will be one of those bands. Pollyanna? Judge for yourself after you read the founder of this band's story.
A princess' tale
Be forwarned: it's a sad one, the story of a seven year old's courageous fight with a rare liver cancer.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Karaoke, Surprise!

So Christopher tells me this morning on the way out to work, "Karaoke at ten o'clock tonight. Timothy's singing."

Among work, team practice, and school, Timothy hadn't sung in public since early February. I'd gone that night only because I wasn't sleeping well that week anway.

I zip past my oldest on the way to the ladder leading to my attic office and call back, "I hope you guys have fun."

He looks surprised. "Aren't you coming?"

I shook my head. "The week's too tight. I can't."

Well, karaoke's now been pushed back to eight-thirty, so I'd better sign off. If Timothy's voice still rocks, I'll post a clip tomorrow.

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Lord God Created the World in Seven Days and We Very Nearly Disassembled Ours in the Same Amount of Time

So as I've alluded in past blogs, we're a family in crisis. The crisis won't end for some time. However, we're close to experiencing a pause, and, hopefully, an opportunity to catch our breaths and regroup.

As a group, we've experienced much turmoil in the past three years: job loss, major medical issues, two divorces, bankruptcy, and now, foreclosure and the "saying goodbye" to our home our home and our cats.

Yet along this dark journey, so many people have blessed us with their prayers, support (monetary and otherwise), and presence that, except for losing our furry family members, I wouldn't change a thing. The people in our lives have been that wonderful.

Also in that time, we've said "Hello" to two new grandsons, certainly  beautiful and happy occasions.

Christopher's computer business took off to the point that a cellular company took notice of his activities and offered him a job. He'll still continue running his business, as well.

Sarah's long distance "personal assisting" of me paid off. She has a terrific job, with benefits, which she did not previously have. Her duties? Why editing and formatting, of course. She also still accepts some side projects: web design and book design.

Surprisingly, we kept the course with my three youngest. Timothy, who had just begun Joliet Junior College when the bottom fell out, graduated with honors and is now a national student culinary champion.

Rebekah and Daniel began taking classes at JJC last spring and are, overall, doing quite well. A third semester, suprising again, is paid.

Medical insurance gobbles up more half my income, but we do have very good insurance. With our health issues, we are thankful to have it. Overall, we are in good health, mostly because we have the means to ensure it. For us, this is a blessing that cannot be understated.

In the quest to eliminate a condition I've had all year--by alternative means as I'm allergic to both drugs to treat it--I'm either intolerant or allergic to treatment number one, so it's been a miserable month. SIGH! But the condition won't affect life or long as the cure doesn't get me first, LOL! Onward to number two.

Crazy work and school schedules meant we had one transition week in which to break down the entire house: disposing of what's no longer in good shape (most of it), keeping a few cherished items (in one 10' x 10' climate controlled storage unit for four people), and donating the rest. Miracles of miracles, three people did most of it in just seven days. THANK YOU Timothy, Rebekah, and Daniel.

When we leave, we will bring only clothes, the essentials for work and school, and personal care items. Blessings again, my parents are temporarily taking in four of us.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about being homeless.

The biggest concerns are Frances, Midnight, Faith, Hope, and Alex. Several humane groups are working with us to place them in good homes. We hope and pray that it is soon, as the alternative is something we'd prefer not to consider.

So if posts are a bit scattered for a couple of weeks, this is why. My sincerest apologies if this sounds gloomy because, again surprise, we are not. The worst is behind us; we look forward, if not with Hope (because Hope will be re-homed) than in peace that we're exactly where God intended us to be.

Oh, and by the way, I now have copies of the official edition of Visage. Email me at for the cost to ship an autographed copy.

Editing for Staked! is a bit delayed, but that should not affect a late November release date.

Production for the first book in the middle school "Cornell Dyer" series is right on track.

Bertrand the mouse should arrive this week.

Life, for all its twists and bumps, is good.


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Meet Bertrand

In Staked!, I introduce you to a new character: Bertrand, a gray attic mouse. And what does a mouse have to do with a vampire story?
Ah, well, hmmm....
Anyway, Sarah Stegall, web adminstrator emeritus for BryonySeries, suggested a series for children based on Bertrand and his adventures. All the stories will begin with Bryony telling Anna a story about Bertrand, so although Bertrand is not very Victorian in Staked!, he will be in his stories.
And yes, there's a very good plot reason for all of the above.
So Sarah shared the idea with a friend that crochets animal ornaments. The friend was very happy to make two Bertrands, one for me and one for Sarah.
Our Bertrands should arrive next week. Once they do, Sarah and I will begin photographing Bertrand in a variety of scenes and circumstances, ala Dare Wright. Anyone remember her Lonely Doll series from ages ago?
My grandson Lucas has even suggested a few story ideas. We can't wait to begin.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

I Started a Spinoff Series this Weekend

Readers of Visage have already met Cornell Dyer, but for those of you that have not, I won't expound on him any further.

Suffice to say, the new series will concern the adventures of this character and be written with middle schoolers in mind (although anyone that enjoys the BryonySeries will probably like these books, too).

The pace of the Cornell Dyer books will be brisker, very plot focused, and less concerned on deep character development, except for Cornell, of course.

Also, these books will contain smaller chapters and less chapters overall, only ten per book.

With that, I'm happy to announce that Cornell Dyer and the Missing Tombstone is well under way: plot, characters, and artwork organized and arranged; chapters outlined; and chapters one and two written and edited.

I'm hoping to release at least two of these books a year. A second spinoff series for younger children is in the germination stage. More on this project as it shapes up.

And, no, I haven't forgotten about, or abandoned, the prequel to the original BryonySeries. That book is my most challenging one yet, so I'm pecking at it a little at a time.

Hopefully, it won't take the twenty-six years to compose as Bryony did.

Friday, August 16, 2013

"Please Confiscate the Vampire Skin" by Allie Rios and Story Round Up

Please Confiscate the Vampire Skin by Allie Rios
Please confiscate the vampire skin

That sparkles in the sun;

Give the predators evil powers

Like Bram Stoker would have done!

Slap on them some leather

and give them all a dark disguise;

Bring Blade with blackened sunglasses

To banish Edward’s unconvincing eyes.

Replace Bella with a woman

Who maintains a semblance of a clue;

Perhaps the angst-ridden Juliet

and Romeo’s fateful dagger would make do.

Release the shirtless werewolf

Whose abs would have more appeal

If his howling, sullen whininess

Could ever close the deal.

Please find me stronger villains

Than the Volturi seem to be;

Cruella De Ville’s available

And would tame those giant dogs for free.

Replace the clueless father

With one equally unaware;

Clark Griswold is a primo choice

For at least he combs his hair.

Once you’ve overcome the book

and brave the cinematic scene,

Remember as you publish your own

There’s writers worse than me!
Shorewood man earns degree despite being legally blind
When a high school senior and star athlete suddenly loses his vision due to a genetic condition he didn't know he had, what does he do? Why, pack his bags and head for college.
 Interfaith conference calls for harmony
The bottom line, no matter what the religious expression: love your neighbor

Frankfort author puts her stamp on work

A reunion with a former classmate inspires a mystery novel involving stamp collectors.

Former Joliet reacher remembered as being like a mom to many

Lorrayne Cornelius was a mother to her students and an exemplary teacher to her children.

Slammers, Blackbird's Biowl host bark in the park

A store that offers holistic products for pets co-sponsors a fun day in the sun.

Operation Care Package is music to their ears

It's not a USO tour but for Dave Craig, this benefit is the next best thing.

Library event offers room makeover tips

Change up the look of your house without spending a dime. A professional decorator shows you how.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Useful Tips from the Kitchen Staff at Simons Mansion

From the official BryonySeries cookbook: Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles from "Bryony."

In the 1890’s, books such as Miss Beecher’s domestic receiptbook: designed as a supplement to her Treatise on domestic economy, first published in 1860, were the kitchen Bibles of many Victorian cooks.

Since no good cookbook is complete without a few “helpful hints” the following, adapted from that receiptbook, are some the kitchen at staff at Simons Mansion and Mrs. Bertha Parks, housekeeper to the Reverend Galien Marseilles, might have utilized from time to time.
Lard and Drippings must be kept in a dry, cold place and should not be salted. Usually the cellar is the best place for them. Earthen or stone jars is the best place to store them in.
Rye should be bought in small quantities, say forty or fifty pounds at a time, and be kept in a keg or half barrel with a cover.
Salt must be kept in the driest place that can be found. Rock salt is the best for table salt. It should be washed, dried, pounded, sifted, and stored in a glass jar and covered close. It is common to find it growing damp in the salt stands by the table. It should then be set by the fire to dry, and afterwards, be reduced to fine powder again. Northing is more disagreeable than coarse or damp salt on a table.
Coffee is best to buy by the bag, as it improves by keeping. Let it hang in the bag, in a dry place, and it loses its rank smell and taste.
The most perfect way to keep Hams is to wrap and tie them in paper and pack them in boxes or barrels with ashes. The ashes must fill all the interstices, but must not touch the hams, as it absorbs the fat. It keeps them sweet and protects them from all kinds of insects. After smoked ham is cut, hang it in a coarse linen bag in the cellar and tie it up to keep out flies.
Codfish  is improved by changing it, once in awhile, back and forth, from garret to cellar. Some dislike to have it in the house anywhere.
Happy cooking!
Remember all proceeds from cookbook sales benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties (


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Random Comment about "Staked!" from its Lead Editor Vicki Thompson

Although the third book in the BryonySeries, Staked!, won't be released until December, its editing is well under way.

Below are some overall comments--rough and unedited general ramblings--from Vicki Thompson, lead editor and certified parent coach (

Another plus: Christopher Gleason, the artist for Staked! sent a "sneak peek" of the final cover. Love!!! (sorry no can share).

From Vicki:

I really like John-Peter.  I think he is endearing because of some of his quirkiness and even a bit because of his arrogance.  You did a good job of creating a character in John-Peter that is in some ways an adolescent boy yet out of step with his peers.  I think I like him more than I liked Melissa who at times could seem silly (Yet what teen girl isn’t?) 
I like his relationship with the women in his life…His grandmothers, Melissa and Karla. 

Kellen is also interesting.  He seems to kind of taken the place of the comic character with his Happy Hunting Ground..(By the way I know I said I would limit my comments to these 4 however what a ridiculous & irreverent business!  I LOVE IT!  Clever! I found myself chuckling at some of the packages ordered in the drive through….)

I liked how you answered all of the open questions from the first two books.  You did a great job of tying up the loose ends. 

I like the lessons John Peter eventually learns.

I like the fairy world you created.  I found some of the many different types of fairies a bit confusing.  I’m not sure if someone more familiar with fairy folklore would have an easier time.  It isn’t something I read a lot. 

I was pretty proud of myself because I guessed who the princess was very earlier in the book.

And for the most part you answered all of the questions I had from the previous two books and a few I didn’t realize I should be asking…. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Three Photos from Yesterday's Filming of the "Visage" Trailer

Blackwood X Productions LLC (left to right): Dragon Alexander, producer, filmmaker, and storyteller. Sean Czaja, video editor and director of photography
Rebekah Baran (Melissa Marchellis) removes Bryony's broken music box from her steamer trunk of Munsonville treasures.
Dragon whips up a batch of vampire blood.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Melissa's Scholarship Letter

Today we filmed the trailer for Visage (HURRAY!)
One of the props Blackwood X Productions required of me was Melissa's scholarship letter from Jenson College of Liberal Arts. So I drafted one.

Jenson College of Liberal Arts

Educating Scholars Since 1801

 May 4, 1976

Melissa Marchellis
2108 Lawrence Avenue
Grover's Park, Ill. 54938
Dear Melissa,

Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected by the Department of Development to receive the Undergraduate Rejuvenate Munsonville Scholarship. This scholarship was established to recognize one full-time student enrolled at our college that will commit to using his/her acquired knowledge and skills for industry expansion in Munsonville, Michigan, following graduation.
Your scholarship amount is $9,876 for the 1976-1977 academic year. As long as you maintain a fulltime status and a minimum 3.5 GPA, the scholarship will automatically renew for the remaining three years.

To receive this scholarship, you must complete two items. First, please review and sign the enclosed Release of Information Form. Second, please send a thank you letter to the anonymous scholarship donor. Because our donor believes in your ability to make a difference in the world, he wishes to learn about your academic and career goals, as well as your appreciation for this scholarship.

The scholarship will remain on hold status in your student account until we receive your Release of Information Form and thank you letter. Please submit these to the College’s Development Office by June 1. The Development Office will forward your thank you letter to your donor.
Best wishes for a productive and successful academic year.


Thomas Taylor
Department of Development


Friday, August 9, 2013

"There Should Never be a Skinny Cat" by Stephanie Zydron and Story Round Up

There Should Never be a Skinny Cat by Stephanie Zydron

There should never be a skinny cat
Only ones that are super fat
So I will make mine the king of beasts,
By feeding him with great big feasts.
I'll start by giving him some steak,
Then maybe end with birthday cake.
But somewhere in between all that,
I'll try to stuff him with a rat.
Next up will be his bunny stew,
But veggies will be far and few.
For there should be no skinny cats,
Only ones that are really fat.
A huge variety of deep fried fish
Will be all he finds in his water dish.
And when he starts to lick his lips,
That's when I feed him blackbird tips.
While his tummy is on the floor,
I'll squeeze him out through the door.
But if I see him getting thinner,
I'll make him up a second dinner.
Cause there shouldn't be a skinny cat,
Only ones that are big and fat.

Through painting, woman encounters new places

And she does it despite battling serious health issues

Minooka woman could fill up a room anywhere she was

Her love for service was even greater.

Prep dogs for trip to vet

Fido a bit fearful of vets and groomers? Try these tips from dog owners and trainers alike.

Painting the town pink

It's all about local people helping local cancer sufferers...with a pink fire truck in tow.

What's for dinner?

With this unique system, you'll never need ask that question again.

Joliet Hope Center feeding a need

According to founder Woodie Stiltner, it's all about giving a hand up, not a hand out.

The Official Edition of "Visage" is Now Available!

Follow this link to order:

Autographed copies of the official editon of Visage will be available as soon as my shipment of books arrive, hopefully in a week or so.

If you'd rather order from Amazon, check on that site in a week. Barnes & Noble takes a bit longer to list it.

As soon as Rebekah Baran can take a break from schoolwork (College English as a summer course is driving my dyslexic daughter nuts, and she is not happy with me for recommending she take it over the summer), she will be working in the Kindle and Nook editions.

Thank you for your patience. May you enjoy reading it half as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


So after a highly compressed beginning of the week and tons of running around today, I've finally sat down at the computer with a nice cup of coffee to begin the day's work...except I don't want to do it.

I'm thinking that if I shower now and tuck myself into bed with a nice book, I'll wake up extra early tomorrow--rested and refreshed--and accomplish double the work that a tired brain doesn't want to tackle now.

And that brain is tired. I've worked too many weekends in a row without a break that I've lost count.

Oh, decisions! 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Three Good Quotes a la Harold Masters

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle." Steve Jobs

"You know, life fractures us all into little pieces. It harms us, but it's how we glue those fractures back together that make us stronger."
Carrie Jones

"The only real limitation on your abilities is the level of your desires. If you want it badly enough, there are no limits on what you can achieve." Brian Tracy


Friday, August 2, 2013

Three Weeks of Story Round Ups

Two Fridays ago and into that weekend, I stupidly suffered from heat exhaustion (and then had to work all weekend), so I wound up not posting anything for Friday:(

Then, for the next couple of weeks and into those weekends and beyond were so full of work, I completely forgot about any blog posting (oops!). So without further ado, it's time to play catch-up.

Because I have so many story links to post, I'm passing on adding a literature link, just this time only. Hopefully, you will find at least one story here that inspires you. I know they all inspire me.

Cub Scout pack has crafty idea to raise funds

See how one father inspired a son to continue more than one legacy.

Interfaith Conference set for July 20th

The event has passed, but I'm working on its recap this weekend. Interested? Read further, and then stay tuned.
Presentation on Medicare information set for July 16
Although not comprehensive, this article does offer some valuable information and provides a number to call for additional questions.
"Big Pete" was a family man and a brilliant boss
Unbeknownst to me until he sent a Facebook message, it was Big Pete's stepson that created the BryonySeries bowling pin.
Church leaders rely on canine friends
Yep, local churches have gone to the dogs. ;)
Planifield author shares journal entries in new book
Sort of a "greatest hits" of the collection of his thoughts and observations.
Cottonwood farm hosts powwow cultural days
Scroll through the remaining links on this blog for an inside glimpse of that event.
Alternative healers exchange their services
Healer's Exchange: the place where healers go to be healed.
Powow in Crest Hill teaches traditional culture
Meet Redhawk and learn why he travels in a longhouse and cooks in an open air kitchen.
King headlights hospice event
B.B.'s daughter knows firsthand the importance of giving back.
Rescue pets get frame and fame
Meet a pet photographer that captures her furry subjects more for fun than for profit.
"Amazing Race" benefits Big Brothers Big Sisters and participants
A "take" on a popular television show benefits children from single parent homes.
Dreamcoat set for this weekend in Coal City
Meet Jack Micetich, a young man with a passion for community theater as well as contributing to the community he serves.
Joliet Hope Center opens doors to bless the needy
It's not a food pantry. It's a unique buying club to help low-income individuals.
Fundraiser set for Plainfield man recovering from stroke
A very rare cause of stroke, a very lucky man. Read on how you can help.
It's only natural: homesteading conference on Aug. 31 at JJC
Meet one couple that practices the sustainablity that they preach...and learn how you can enjoy the same lifestyle, too.
Miracle League of Joliet a diamond gem for those with special needs
Anyone with a disability may play, and everyone wins.
A Casey story of doggie CPR
A chance view of a YouTube video saved this firefighter's dog's life.
New approach to literacy
The method adopted by a retired church pastor and his reitred public health nurse may surprise you.
Alternative rock band wins recording session
And from the mouths of the television station representatives that pronounced "The Dead Hands" the champions, it's a very deserving win.
Helping and giving back
Control infection without resources? That's just what one Joliet Junior College professor taught a group of nurses at an African hospital.




Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Meeting after the Meeting

Just returned home a little while ago from our twice montly writer's group meeting, both of them.

After the official meeting had ended, four of us lingered inside the room and then outside to talk writerly stuff. One of our members said, "I really needed this." The writer's group and his church is the glue holding his life together.

I totally get that.

Furthermore, as writing is such a solitary occupation, I think writers need to swap ideas and feedback with other writers, if only to rejuvenate their own enthusiasim for their craft.

It's easy to become bogged down in the process of getting it just right that we can lose sight of the enjoyment of writing. Chatting about our stories, techniques, plotting, pacing, characters with people that understand our passion for creating all of the above when the rest of world pursues more "normal" hobbies, well, what could be more fun?

Other than actually writing those things, that is.

Yes, I know. Too much discussion about writing may lead to not getting too much writing down at all. However, I don't think that's a problem with the dedicated and enthusiastic writers in this group.

Not even close.