Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Into the Words

This morning I woke up about an hour earlier than usual.

I had missed a dose of medicine last night (got busy, thought I'd taken it) and felt its lack. After taking the next one right on schedule, I debated the merits of either going back to sleep or getting up and editing chapter eighteen of the fifth book of Before the Blood.

I chose the latter.

Work and life keep me busy enough that I never, and I mean never (if fact, my discipline surprises even me) open up my manuscript during the week. Thoughts and ideas often come to mind while I'm walking, and I will jot them down.

But writing or editing fiction of any substance? Never.

Today, I chose pretend over sleep. And I'm feeling the tired effects of it now, along with the elation of spending two hours into an extremely magical place where consonants and vowels are transformed into an alternate reality.

It was nice to break from routine.

And I'll keep reminding myself of it through every yawn and swig of dark roast coffee.

Illustration by Kathleen Rose Van Pelt for "Bryony."

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