Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Best Writing Advice Ever

I found this in my "drafts" section. I wrote this on Sept. 14, 2015.

I no longer recall what prompted me to write it, or where I was heading with it. But the advice, as written, is solid, it stands. And I still follow it.

So here ya go!

You've heard it say that most writing is rewriting, and it is true.

Second to writing is learning about writing. Keep learning and relearning.

Learn how to construct a great first chapter, scene, characters, plot. Learn about development, point of view, perspective, world-building, avoidance of cliches.

Even when you learn, you forget. Relearn it again. Learn something new.

And then write again, And write something new.

And if you can't write something new, write something old, but write it differently.

Illustration by Kathleen Rose Van Pelt for "Bryony."

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