Thursday, May 4, 2017

BryonySeries Throwback Thursday: The Language of Fans

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Language of Fans

At one ball, Melissa attempts to wave away an obnoxious vampire with her fan, worried that she used the wrong signal, for he ignores her rebuffs.

In the Victorian age, a fan was a customary, feminine accessory at a ball. Not only did women use it to revive themselves following a brisk dance, they positioned it in certain ways to convey messages, especially to men.

Nanalulu’s Linen Closet (, which offers exquisite linens, handerchiefs, home décor and gifts, posted this “Language of Victorian Fans” on its website.

If a young lady held her fan to her lips, it begged a kiss

Carrying in right hand in front of face meant, "Follow me."

Carrying in left hand meant desiring an acquaintance

Dropping it meant friendship only.

Drawing it across her eyes meant an apology.

The fan placed near the heart signaled, "You have won my love."

Did she hide the eyes behind an open fan ~ I love you.

Opening and closing the fan several times ~ You are cruel .

Drawing through her hand ~ I hate you.

Drawing across the eyes ~ I am sorry.

Letting the fan rest on the left cheek signaled, "No."

Letting the fan rest on the right cheek signaled, "Yes."

Fan opened wide meant, "Wait for me."

Fanning slowly meant, "I am married."

Fanning quickly meant, "I am engaged."

Twirling the fan in left hand ~ "I wish to get rid of you."

Twirling in right hand ~ "I love another."

Drawing across the forehead ~ "You are being watched."

Denise M. Baran-Unland

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