Thursday, April 24, 2014

Lucas Stegall and John-Peter Simotes: Some Similarities

In 1990, when I began envisioning the storyline, in particular the character of John-Peter Simotes, that culminated in the first draft of Visage in 2009, my daughter Sarah Stegall was only six years old, and the birth of Lucas was several decades away.

So you can image our surprise to find so many similarities between the two, more than just the Mohawk Lucas sports (and the one in Staked! John-Peter wants): Both

·        Are outspoken

·        Have wildly creative imaginations. (Maybe there's a way to post the book Lucas wrote for school about beavers: The Best Dam Book. BTW, Lucas is seven.)

·        Loves vegetables and

·        The color green and

·        Hates meat

·        Is intelligent waaaaay beyond his years

Randomly, and as Lucas demonstrates it, I’ll post other similarities in upcoming blogs.

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