Saturday, December 18, 2010

Denise Unland's Alternate Geneology Part 11

By Ed Calkins, the Steward of Tara

The most mysterious person in all of Denise’s gene pool is her grandmother. Unfortunately, most of the information about her is still highly classified by several governments. I managed to escape with my life and some pretty juicy stories about this remarkable woman. Now, taking the chance that the nations of the world are too focused on another source of leaks across the internet, I’m prepared to tell the story of a woman whose true name is not even known.

Our story begins in a library some where in China during the communist revolution. Agent 0007 had just taken out a book "The Art of War" by Tung Sun just before the communists had taken it. A week later she noticed the same book with one phrase deleted. Curiously, she also noticed the library’s map of Ireland had a city blocked out.

Through her correspondences with the CIA, she noticed the deleted phase appearing in free world text, but mistranslated and falsely attributed to a Confuses. Agent 0007 became convinced that these three bits of misinformation were being used to cover weaknesses in the communist mind set.

The Irish city deleted for Chinese maps was Limerick. The phase deleted, the deliberately mistranslated from “The Art of War” was, ‘”sticks and stones can only break bones but poems write names in infamy.”

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