Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas in Munsonville, 1893

Very early yesterday morning, way before dawn, when we were driving in the falling snow and throwing newsapers (I say newspaper carriers are modern shepherds), my mind stepped back in time to December 25, 1893, in make-believe Munsonville, Michigan.

The view spread before me certainly had much to do with it. We deliver a wooded area near the I & M Canal, where we do occasionally see mist rising off the water before the sun rises, so that, mixed with the snowfall, the colored lights adorning old-fashioned homes, and James Onohan's "John Simons sounding" piano music breaking the stillness stirred my imagination, and I savored it.

Because while Bryony absolutely contains scenes from Christmas Eve, Christmas DAY is still locked away in my mind, waiting its turn to become part of the story in Bryony's yet-to-be-written prequel.

Someday, others--one, five, ten-whoever has an interest--will read that prequel. Yesterday morning, however, the enchantment was all mine. Cool, cool, cool.

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